Re: I'm torqued



We used to use the beam kind on the MGB's, then we found a clicker for
$20 at Harbor Freight, it's pretty cool.

'Looks like it's only $10 right now.' ( Of
course, it's not a Craftsman, but it seems to be getting the job done
thus far.

But then again, no true mechanic can be without his/her own 'digital
torque wrench' (

So now you know how many ft/lbs of torque you're putting on your Coker.
But the question still remains: How do you know -how many- ft/lbs of
torque to put on your Coker?

hell-on-wheel - My karma ran over your dogma

On the other hand, you have different fingers. - Steven Wright
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Sofa did an interesting experiment to find the maximum torque the Suzue
threads could take:
'Max torque on Suzue threads' (

The recommended torque for the Suzue style hubs is about 40
'Crank Torque Settings' (

Some general torque specifications for bicycle parts are on the Park
Tools web page: 'Torque Specifications'

I had been living in ingnoracne of inexpensive torque wrenches. The
ones I had seen were like the 'Park Tools torque wrench'
( for about $40 and other
expensive things. Finding one for under $20 at a local store made my

john_childs - Guinness Mojo

john_childs (at) hotmail (dot) com
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I have the same torque wrench as you john, and it works good. I just
went out and adjusted it to the right torque, except with that wrench I
had trouble finding 40, and anything under the 50 mark, the crank was
still loose.


uniextreme - Funkadelic Unicyclist
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uniextreme wrote:
> *I have the same torque wrench as you john, and it works good. I just
> went out and adjusted it to the right torque, except with that wrench
> I had trouble finding 40, and anything under the 50 mark, the crank
> was still loose.
> Brian *

Did you have any Loctite on the threads to lubricate? If the threads
were dry you could get inconsistent torque measurements. The serrations
on the underside of the nut don't help either.

john_childs - Guinness Mojo

john_childs (at) hotmail (dot) com
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"hell-on-wheel" <[email protected]> writes:

> We used to use the beam kind on the MGB's, then we found a clicker for
> $20 at Harbor Freight, it's pretty cool.
> 'Looks like it's only $10 right now.' ( Of
> course, it's not a Craftsman, but it seems to be getting the job done
> thus far.

I've been using that torque wrench for my cars wheels. Actually make
that a couple of those torque wrenches. The first one broke and
wouldn't click any more. Harbor freight replaced it. Then the second
one broke: it still clicks, but won't ratchet. The problem seems to
be that the lug nut/bolt torques are right at the limit of the wrench
and there's little margin of stress built into the tools.

Still, for $10 you can be careful when using it.
