Triton frame (have it)
CF seat (have it although I would prefer a scott wallis base)
Thomson post
Ti ISIS hub
130mm hollow cranks (if the Qu-ax ones cames in 130mm they would be
KH rim (have it)
Eagle claw tire (have it)
Straightline pedals
For muni
KH muni
Thomson post
Scott Wallis base
Ti V frame
Mag brakes
Drilled airfoil
Ti ISIS hub
qu-ax aluminum ISIS cranks
Nightrider tire (notube conversion if possible)
One of those aluminum handle bar set ups I saw someone make on the
Custom Ti Miyata that they have stopped production on.
A bit more room between the tire and the crown and the widest space
they make for the crown.
I'm pretty sure I will be able to have all of these built up in the
next couple years, at the very least the Trials since I already have a
lot of it. Then the freestyle I doubt I will ever get even though it is
my dream uni. I would also need four Scott Wallis bases to be able to
make all of these, which although its possible I don't know if it would
ever happen.
'how to build a strong comfy saddle from junk.'
ntappin's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/10800
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/70827
Posted Via Usenet.com Premium Usenet Newsgroup Services
CF seat (have it although I would prefer a scott wallis base)
Thomson post
Ti ISIS hub
130mm hollow cranks (if the Qu-ax ones cames in 130mm they would be
KH rim (have it)
Eagle claw tire (have it)
Straightline pedals
For muni
KH muni
Thomson post
Scott Wallis base
Ti V frame
Mag brakes
Drilled airfoil
Ti ISIS hub
qu-ax aluminum ISIS cranks
Nightrider tire (notube conversion if possible)
One of those aluminum handle bar set ups I saw someone make on the
Custom Ti Miyata that they have stopped production on.
A bit more room between the tire and the crown and the widest space
they make for the crown.
I'm pretty sure I will be able to have all of these built up in the
next couple years, at the very least the Trials since I already have a
lot of it. Then the freestyle I doubt I will ever get even though it is
my dream uni. I would also need four Scott Wallis bases to be able to
make all of these, which although its possible I don't know if it would
ever happen.
'how to build a strong comfy saddle from junk.'
ntappin's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/10800
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/70827
Posted Via Usenet.com Premium Usenet Newsgroup Services