Re: I mastered the curb mount!


Klaas Bil

blueharmony wrote:
> What exactly is a curb mount? I thought it was when you mount with your
> back pedal on a curb so it won't roll backward, but if you are curb
> mounting a giraffe that's a big curb!

Almost. It's with the -wheel -against a curb that's behind it, indeed
to stop it from rolling backward. So for a giraffe you don't need more
than a regular curb.

By the way, the previous UNICON (2006) was held in the Swiss town of
Langenthal. This town is famous for it has the highest curbs in the
world. Some are as high as 1.5 m (5 ft). This was by design because the
river used to overflow every year and flood the streets but not the
curbs and houses.

Klaas Bil
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