Re: HELP! Unicycle dealers that can bring pre-purchased parts to RTL



Hey there, I can't exactly help you with a Magura HS33, but I've got a
pair of aluminum 114s kicking around. I can bring them if you'd like;
I'll sell them to you there for what it'd cost me to get more (UDC
price without shipping) or you can just borrow them and return them
after the race. I also have materials for a caliper brake setup on a
Nimbus 36 frame, and can just give those to you if you'd like. It
involves drilling a small (around 8mm diameter) hole right under where
the two rear bars come into the seat tube, and didn't affect my frame's
sturdiness in any way. But anyway, they're no HS33s, but they're free
and will give you all the stopping power you need on a uni, especially
if you're new to braking really hard on a 36" wheel to stop. If you're
just dragging down a hill, the caliper is TOTALLY plenty.

Lemme know!


Uni to work, work to eat, eat to live, live to uni. :)
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