Re: Help Building My unicycle



How Do i put this... [image:] and
This [image:] On to
this wheel Set [image:] Will
it work and what Bearings do i need? Thanks.

KcTheAcy - Cmpleated Levle 5 With 1/3 of lv 6
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hehe. you should have bought a wheelset instead of a rim...

BUT! there is still hope. Do you have an LBS where you live?

first things first:
1) take off your pedals (15MM BOX-END WRENCH)
2) take off your cranks (COTTERLESS CRANK ARM PULLER. if you don't
have one, your LBS probably will)
3) check bearings to see if they fit onto the new KH frame
3a) if they do fit, leave them on.
3b) if they don't fit, use a BEARING EXTRACTOR to take
them off. your LBS might have one. if not, sells them,
but you might be able to find one at an automotive supply store.
4a) cut your current spokes off. you won't need them
anymore. throw away that old rim, you won't need that either.
4b) buy NEW BEARINGS from based on
axle/bearing housing size (probably 17x40)
4b1) in the meantime, while you're waiting for new
bearings, refer to 4a
5) Take your hub and your new rim down to your LBS and buy spokes
and have them build you a wheel (ask if you can watch, so you can do it
yourself sometime) or build it yourself, if you know how.
6a) put crank arms onto NEW wheelset, clamp bearings into
frame and put pedals back on. put a seatpost in, and a seat on, and
6b) wait for bearings to arrive. when they do, they
need to be PRESSED onto the axle. You can either use a hydraulic press
or a bar clamp. be sure to have short pieces of metal pipe that are
17mm I.D. to push the bearings into place.
6b1) refer to 6a

SHOULD WORK. feel free to PM me with questions if you want.

hopeful - revelling in the glory of 700c

a sawzall...!? why not just use an axe. -- Jagur

Long live the Lotus -- Mojoe
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Great instructions, hopeful. A few edits: The KH trials frame (non-pro,
as pictured) uses 41 or 42mm OD bearings, not 40. Also, if you're gonna
bother buying bearings from, which you probably need to do, you
can also tell them what rim and hub you're using, and they'll send you
some precut and setup spokes. You could probably build the wheel
yourself. Just make sure to use linseed oil. I made mine, and it hasn't
needed truing in the last 250 miles. As for the bearings, you can also
get spacers to bring 40mm bearings up to 41mm from

Remember, your left pedal is reverse threaded, so clockwise will unscrew

Lastly, did you but the parts already? You probably should've just
bought a bedford trials uni...

gerblefranklin - Trials Unicyclist

Don't you think it's a cruel irony that acting like a G.I. Joe in the
army can get you a Medal, while playing with one can get you thrown out?
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If you have good mechanical instincts you can use air pressure in the
tire to push the lolly-pop bearing holders out of the frame. I had to do
this when I got my Pashley and it works great. I duct-taped the tines
together to keep them from spreading in case I made a mistake and
twisted something, but everything worked just fine. Enjoy the new

carjug's Profile:
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Sorry if my post did not have much info. Heres the story. I have a

Zephyr Uni and the frame cracked and broke where the barings

go on to the frame. I have not bought the parts yet. Should i get

that frame and put in on the wheel that i have or will it not work.


KcTheAcy - Completed Level 5 with 1/3 of lv 6
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Sorry if my post did not have much info. Heres the story. I have a

Zephyr Uni and the frame cracked and broke where the barings

go on to the frame. I have not bought the parts yet. Should i get

that frame and put in on the wheel that i have or will it not work.

Thanks p.s. when i put the pic of the wheel i ment just the rubber not
the rim too.

KcTheAcy - Completed Level 5 with 1/3 of lv 6
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The tyre won't fit on your existing rim.

Trials tyres fit on a 19" rim not a 20" one.

There is one that fits on a normal 20" rim which is a special larger
onza one, but I don't think that's available in the US.


joemarshall - dumb blonde
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