Re: Grousing about ride leaders


David L. Johnson

Edward Dolan wrote:

> There is only one way to deal with a rider complaint and that is to listen
> to him carefully and advise him that you will do what you can to correct the
> problem. In other words, the customer is always right.

I disagree. For one thing, ride participants are not customers. A ride
is a cooperative venture. If the complaint is that the ride leader is
not following the rules he/she set out at the beginning, or the
generally-accepted rules of the club, that is one thing. But if a rider
shows up expecting to be accomodated by changing the ride to his/her
taste, despite how the ride was announced, that is the rider's problem.


David L. Johnson

Become MicroSoft-free forever. Ask me how.
Ozark Bicycle wrote:
> Unable to resist his inner voices, Tom Sherman continues to feed
> Trollin Dolan. Sad.

Indeed. It almost inspires me to change to a newsreader that will
bin followups to his rantings as well as the rantings themselves.

Though it would be nicer not to bother, partly to save me the
bother but mostly because it would mean folk had realised the whole
point of trolling isn't to "win" arguments but to have people waste
time and effort by provoking them into a response, so every time
they follow up to one of Ed's very obviously barbed and baited
hooks they're actually doing /exactly/ what he seems to want. (So
it's hardly surprising he carries on...)

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