Re: Gear inch equivalent for muni climbing


Klaas Bil

mtnjeffe wrote:
> it would seem that balance considerations and a lack of sustained
> momentum (spinning) on the muni would make some other gear combination
> more fair for this comparison.

Yes, keeping balance takes some of the power that you could put into
climbing when on a bike. However, with more practice the portion of
your power devoted to balance becomes less. Same for sustained
momentum, because with more practice you can go quite slow on a muni
and still keep your balance. On the plus side: what works in your
favour is that a unicycle is lighter than a bicycle. In the end, with
enough experience, a 1:1 bike and a 1:1 unicycle with the same size
wheels can pretty much climb the same hills. If traction is an issue
(steep hill and mud or loose sand), a unicycle may even have an
advantage because it has all-wheel drive!

Klaas Bil
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