Re: Do unicyclist share the same personality traits?

That was great. I replied to the post thinking it was a favorite color
deal. As such, I selected green. After reading the posts, I realized
that there was a quiz to tell me what to select. After taking the quiz,
I discovered that I am indeed green.

daino149 - How's it going, Texas?

there ain't enough body armor in the country for me to try that. -- Ken
on the mtbr forum in reference to MUni
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Yeh, well to be honest I just assumed the thread was asking what our
favourite colour was. :) I've since done the test though, I am blue.


andrew_carter -

andrew_carter (at) mail (dot) com
New photos added 28/03 -
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The poll seems to be coming out the way I predicted, with Green (the
curious) and Orange (the adventurous) on top. Blue is making a good
showing though.

Strange how Gold, which is supposed to represent more of the population
than the other colors, is coming in last. Shows what they know.

Don't worry Nikki, that was the short list of careers. Read this quote
from a site linked to the descriptions. "...with the brightest becoming
executives, adminstrators, plant or office managers, with the giants of
the business world -- particularly in commodities, finance, from J.P.
Morgan to E.F. Hutton, from J.C. Penny to F.W. Woolworth."
Excerpted from Please Understand Me II, by David Keirsey

I'm not sure about you, Checkernuts, try this site. 'Pink People'

Thank you all for playing.

sorry for any spelling errors, i'll try harder, honest.

KathySusanka - Michigan Unicyclist
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Gold, Orange, Blue Green.

Do the color descriptions given after the test match the color
descriptions on your link? They use different terms for Gold, Blue,
Orange, Green: Guardian, Idealist, Artisan, Rational vs. Conventional,
Compassionate, Courageous, Conceptual.

UniBrier - Its Time to Ride

Steve De Cuckoo

The Roadrunner or Ground Cuckoo can run at speeds of up to 15 miles per
hour (24 km per hour). It rarely flies and does not migrate. When it is
in danger, it runs or crouches to hide.

The RoadUnier or Cuckoo Cokier can ride at speeds of up to 15 miles per
hour (24 km per hour). It rarely flies and does not migrate. When it is
in danger it UPDs and slides.

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The True Colors program itself it copyright protected. I think these two
pages I linked to are different peoples' interpretations of it. I went
through a short class a few years ago and they are both on the right
track. Each color has a number of words that would describe it. Everyone
is a combination of all colors; one may be more dominant for some.

I'm going to guess that if your results showed Gold with the most
matches that you are a very organized person. Are you?


KathySusanka - Michigan Unicyclist
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> -originally quoted by johnhimsworth -
> Nice idea, but I end up wanting a 'depends' option for about every
> question. What do you get if you mix up all 4 of those colours?

Mix them all up and you get --- John!

I sometimes found myself picking the answer based on what I do because
others expect it and not what I would do if I didn't have to please or
conform, for family mostly. The husband insists on planning each
detail, I'd just wing it by myself.

Everyone is their own unique mix. That's what makes us interesting.

KathySusanka - Michigan Unicyclist
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If you mix those four colors, you'll get various shades of brown. Not
the best way to show ones' results. Mine:

Green: 13
Blue: 9
Gold: 8
Orange: 6

It looks like there is much variety among the unicyclists who responded
so far, including people who don't read the initial post on Poll threads
(usually that first post explains what the poll's about)... :)

johnfoss - Home of the Garage Page

John Foss, the Uni-Cyclone
"jfoss" at ""

"Hey, could I have some of that spinach? I need to get this pork rind
taste out of my mouth." -- Ryan Atkins to Kris Holm, on the way back
from Moab after sampling some of my pork rinds. They grossed out the
whole van!
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this poll really helped me in paper attempting to prove that unicyclists
are different from mainstream (other than the fact they uni). the
plurality of unicyclists are green, which is the smallest percentage of
the rest of the population. the least are gold, which is the most
common amongst the rest of the population.

muniracer - Hell On Wheel

The Hell on Wheel Unicycle Gang owns you!!
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