adjuggler wrote:
> To be honest I'm not really sure you "just started trials". You make it
> sound as if you got on your uni for the second time and started hopping
> around.
I started riding the last week of April but didn't try jumping on it
until 3 days ago.
> Woh nice 51 cm first try WTH!!! I can only get 26cms and ive been
> riding for 2 months or close to 2 months. I got my kh20 3 weeks ago
> maybe 4 now. How did you get such a good jump on your first attempt???
> Or have you been practising hoping not in trial riding ? :S
Well without a unicycle I can jump over things that are about 3.5-4ft
tall depending on how good my jump was. I like to jump. Besides uniing
jumping over stuff is probably my favorite thing to do. Think that
might've helped a little with my hopping.
"There's plenty of room for God's creatures, right next to the mashed
potatoes and gravy."
invertedcheese's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/16966
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/70760
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> To be honest I'm not really sure you "just started trials". You make it
> sound as if you got on your uni for the second time and started hopping
> around.
I started riding the last week of April but didn't try jumping on it
until 3 days ago.
> Woh nice 51 cm first try WTH!!! I can only get 26cms and ive been
> riding for 2 months or close to 2 months. I got my kh20 3 weeks ago
> maybe 4 now. How did you get such a good jump on your first attempt???
> Or have you been practising hoping not in trial riding ? :S
Well without a unicycle I can jump over things that are about 3.5-4ft
tall depending on how good my jump was. I like to jump. Besides uniing
jumping over stuff is probably my favorite thing to do. Think that
might've helped a little with my hopping.
"There's plenty of room for God's creatures, right next to the mashed
potatoes and gravy."
invertedcheese's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/16966
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/70760
Posted Via Usenet.com Premium Usenet Newsgroup Services