Re: cocky riding bet



The stakes are equivalent to a new Hunter with Profile hub/cranks and
carbon-fiber seat, so the stakes are high. This guy thinks he's better
than everyone at everything. He claimed he could do it, so I'm holding
him to it.

I understand that anyone can learn, but I suspect those who can do level
1 in an hour are most likely to be young. So, yes, the poll as to do
with expected age, rather than what is possible. The younger a person,
the quicker they adapt to new situations, usually. Actually, I'd be
very happy for him to be able to do this, IF he wasn't such a jerk to
others all the time.

Klaas, your link didn't work, and I'm very interested in seeing your

Thanks you all for your feedback.


erike - recent stairmaster
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For stakes like that, I'd definitely go for the full level 1. Wow,
powerful bet! Does he have to buy *you* one if he doesn't make it?

Also, is it possible he's cheated, either by having practiced in the
past, or possibly now while you're not looking?

I think the most powerful age for learning to unicycle is the teen
years, maybe 14-20. Younger than that, and the curve drops off, as kids
have less body awareness, and less accumulated time of learning skills.
As we get older, we tend to get more cautious and more analytical.

johnfoss - Home of the Garage Page

John Foss, the Uni-Cyclone
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"Hey, could I have some of that spinach? I need to get this pork rind
taste out of my mouth." -- Ryan Atkins to Kris Holm, on the way back
from Moab after sampling some of my pork rinds. They grossed out the
whole van!
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Thanks, John, for your perspective on the years for learning. I always
enjoy reading your comments.

We haven't bet a unicycle, but I was just giving a ball-park dollar
figure in unicycle terms.

It's possible he's cheated, but I think it is pretty clear when someone
tries to get on a uni whether they've touched one before. Muscle memory
will give him away, even if he's a good actor. Because there are those
gripping-the-fence-for-dear-life manouvers that someone with any
experience at all would have trouble acting out.


erike - recent stairmaster
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If the stakes are of this level...I'd most definitly suspect some foul
play on his part. A man like himself isn't gonna let himself lose his
pride and that amount of money without a fight. Just be sure he's not
takin you for a ride. - No pun intended.

fluffinator007 - Expert UPD'ist

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It completely depends on the person rather than the age. I've seen
someone my age learn in twenty minutes, whereas it took me about a
Also, I find that if this person is active in sports with wheels, such
as biking or skateboarding, it's easier for them to learn.

James_Potter - ***** ***** *****

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i would say the 13-16 age group. because in that bracket, they can still
learn fast, and they can spot their flaws easily. under 13 kids dont
like to realize that they are doing it wrong, and dont like to change
bad habits. i was a pretty fast learner and im 16.

gpickett00 - Level 2.75

Bicycle is just a short way of saying unicycle with a training wheel.
'Our unicycling video' (
> I like to do things that confuse other people - mix chocolate milk and
> orange juice, read books in trees, and other junk like that.

gpickett00's Profile:
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erike wrote:
> *The stakes are equivalent to a new Hunter with Profile hub/cranks and
> carbon-fiber seat, so the stakes are high. This guy thinks he's
> better than everyone at everything. He claimed he could do it, so I'm
> holding him to it. *

Did he propose those stakes? If so, you might be on the hook. A non
rider wouldn't know a Hunter from an Artemis, or carbon-fiber from
harvest cider.

tomblackwood - Registered Nurtz

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I agree with James Potter, it depends more on the individual rather than
the age. I would say the chances are if he really hasn't ridden before,
that he won't be going 50m before an hour is up. There is a chance that
he is a natural though, like a mountainbiking guy I met today. He asked
for a go on my unicycle and I gave him a couple of tips "Put your foot
on the lower pedal, get on the seat, get your other foot up and lean
forwards and pedal". Within a few goes he went about 10m, and asked "How
do you turn" and I replied "You have to learn how to go straight first"
and he promptly got on and rode around the corner. I think if I gave him
a full hour he would have figured out how to freemount and ride 50m,
because he seemed to be in control more than most people on their first
try. I wouldn't suggest betting money on it just in case the opponent is
secretly practising to ride.

Rowan - _________

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What uni does this guy have to ride? Just to be sure, I'd make it a
2-wheeled Kangaroo Coker- that'd put a spanner in the works if he has
been practicing! And guarentee you a nice Profiled-up Hunter!

one wheeled stallion - Guerilla Unicyclist

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