Re: Age to start learning



I bought our son a 16" for his 7th birthday last June, as he seemed to
be having trouble learning on my (heavily chopped!) 20". He was
freemounting and riding well enough to go out for 1 mile or so rides
within 2 weeks. We've done a lot of muni together, no serious drops, but
lots of technical singletrack and steep, loose descents. Last Tuesday we
did a 6.5 mile trail ride in just under 2 hours, mostly singletrack. I
felt a bit of a 'bad dad' as I was on my 26 x 3 (Duro) with 150's while
Obe was on a 16 x 2.25 with 89's. He slept well that night!
I'm playing with the idea of making up a shortie superlight 24" muni for
him, copying the 'short persons coker frame' on By my
maths he would just be able to reach the pedals on 127 cranks. The only
concern I have is that as he can keep up fairly well on his 16", on a
24" He'll be leaving me for dead.

joemc - borderline sociopath
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My little one started to learn shortly after his 3rd birthday. It wasn't
his only Xmas present, honest! He found this a little early in life to
comprehend what-the-hell was going on. Now the Winter is over with, we
can find the time to practice more. He's now 4 1/2 and I'm convinced
he'll be riding unaided by his 5th birthday.


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