Re: 12"?



I have a 16" with an adult-length frame (by Max's Dad). It has 3.5"
cranks and a Maxxis Hookworm tire. I ride it sometimes at Club
practices. It's great fun in the gym but is completely ridiculous as

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weeble - There can be only one... wheel

Another Joe in MN
Level 2 and holding

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weeble wrote:
> *It's great fun in the gym but is completely ridiculous as
> transportation. *

Persish the thought that a unicycle should be completely ridiculous as

Mikefule - Roland Hope School of Unicycling

So many pedestrians tell me I've lost a wheel.
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I have a 12" I use in shows. I sometimes save it until near the end of
the show before riding it, making a big buildup to doing it. Sometimes
I'll go back for a helmet before attempting it. All of this can be
pretty funny if done right. Then I spend about a minute figuring out how
to contort myself down to sitting on the thing.

I lowered the seat twice since I got it, including cutting down the
frame to get it even lower. This was to keep it annoying to my fellow
riders and also make it look sillier. Since then I've put on a few
pounds, so it's not as easy to ride as it once was. Got to work on

I can go forward, backward and idle. I used to be able to walk the wheel
(two feet) on it a little, but I don't think I ever worked on getting
back to the pedals. I can kick-up mount it into a standup ride. I can
ride it standing up, no hands (it stays between my ankles). I can
sideways wheel walk it a little. I can seat drag, in front or rear.

Here's a very old picture of it (and me), with other unicycles in there
for scale. It's the one on my head.

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johnfoss - Home of the Garage Page

John Foss, the Uni-Cyclone
"jfoss" at ""

"Hey, could I have some of that spinach? I need to get this pork rind
taste out of my mouth." -- Ryan Atkins to Kris Holm, on the way back
from Moab after sampling some of my pork rinds. They grossed out the
whole van!
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