"Bill Wiley" <
[email protected]> wrote in message
[email protected]...
> http://www.mma.tv/TUF/index.cfm?ac=ListMessages&TID=451514&FID=2
> What a jerk
Interestingly he purports to have the occupation of an Attorney. Well enough
said about him then.
So, here is my theory on his attack on us.
I guess that as he is supposed to be an educated person he is supposed to be
very brainy, and like most of them types, he could probably write a thesis
on how to tie your shoe laces, but couldn't actually do it.
Come to think of it, maybe he tried to ride a recumbent and couldn't so now
he just tries to pay out on those of us who can
My other theory is that being an attorney, he might be trolling so that he
can sue somebody to get work - maybe a different slant on ambulance chasing
Who cares what he says, (though its fun to have a reply) to quote somebody
from the group (apologies to whoever it was) that said "I likes what I
rides, and I rides what I likes".
regards to all those out there in Recumbent Land.