Quote of the day (from non-riders)

On holiday recently I was riding round the caravan site and some little
kids who were out on their little b*kes and tr*kes commented in a, "Wow!
Look!" fashion. Then, when I passed them again, one shouted, "Look,
there's the wheel man!"

"The wheel man" - I like it!

s7ev0 - Here comes the summer!

Friends see me on my unicycle and mention "mid-life crisis". I had
never really appreciated how close the terms "crisis" and "fun" are.
s7ev0's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/7310
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Kayote wrote:
> *There must be band members that post here.
> 'I'm a Wheel Man' will surely be a breakout hit soon. *

done to the tune of ''I'm A Soul Man?'

GILD - Waffle-******, Time-bider and JCTK

if you can't say anything good about someone, sit right here by me.--
'alice' (http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/custom.html?) 'roosevelt'
(http://tinyurl.com/963jr) 'longworth' (http://tinyurl.com/78ybd)

I feel like a fugitive from the law of averages.-- 'william h mauldin'

...using nietzsche's metaphysics to escape from
christianity...-'metro_tramp on the value of metaphysics'
it's hard to be sure, and good to be paranoid...john childs on life on
the internet
'harper' (http://tinyurl.com/c9epx)
'NAMASTE!' (http://tinyurl.com/4qcxw)
'Dave' (http://www.lyricsdir.com/d/deep-purple/child-in-time.php)
GILD's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/657
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At the skatepard a litt;e 10 year old said " Hey a saw one of those
unicycles in the circus" He never said clown!!!
Kick up moint ( cleanly) = Wow!!! Thay never(insert head shake) did that
in the circus. LOL i loved it.

redhead - South Florida's Unicycle Club
redhead's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/9985
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At Lake Minnewaska State Park(New Paltz, NY ). I took the last parking
space, turned out to be next to a crew filming a family that climbs the
cliffs together. They were filming the equipment used, and introducing
the family. As I put my pads on, the camera guys came over to see the
fat tire uni.

*"You missed the shot guys, get over here, were filming climbers not the
unicycle!"* came from the director to the camera crew.

Before they went back, the camera guys were suggesting that they should
get some film of the mountain uni'ing, for another show.

For me, nothing came of it. Hopefully they will follow-up with a Muni
program. I was nervous, told them that I was looking for some trails to
ride on, asked them about their show, smiled and rode off. Thank god I
made that free mount perfectly first try.

BTW: The hiking trails at Lake Minnewaska involve too much climbing for
Muni, and the b*ke trails were roads, too easy. Hiking the trails was
fun, with nice views, even if I had to carry the uni.

Chrashing - Unicycles are flying machines!

Chrashing's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/7501
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was at huntington beach today to just hang out with friends, and decided
to bust out the uni for a short ride after some swimming. one older man
on a bicycle had a sense of humor and said 'mine has a training wheel'
and rode off with a smile. :)

that was probably the only nicer comment i got for the day. a group of
little [i'm guessing 5th graders at the oldest] kids first asked 'is
that hard?' i replied 'kinda,' and then a bunch of sarcastic comments
like 'ooh you have a unicycle, you're special~' 'you look like a monkey'
started coming from them... kids these days :confused:

another guy was trying to be cool in front of his friends who were in
awe of the one-wheeler and exclaimed 'psh, i can do that.' i offered to
let him try and he just walked off :rolleyes:

rode by a group of skaters as well, i just wish i knew how to do some
freestyle tricks or something [is that even possible on a torker cx with
a slightly bent rim?] so that they wouldn't think the unicycle is just
some silly apparatus. no comments from them though [maybe a weird look
or two]

overall, alot of haters today, oh well -=shrug=-

btw: my legs were KILLING me during the ride! its only a 20" wheel so i
guess its not meant for distance riding, but the chaffing i got from the
ocean swimming only made things worse :(


kohpee's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/10282
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Well, the quote of the day wasn't so special but I feel proud of my

Man on one of those bike things that have a bar that attatches to
another wheel for a kid to ride - kind of a adult/kid tandem - with 3
wheels: "Where's your other wheel?"

(Okay, the brighteset/quickest of you, will guess the rest)

Me: (Duh!) "You've got it!"

But usually I think of that kind of thing, way to late. Tonight I
actually said it!! Woohoo.


cathwood - Lunicyclist

A thought is just a thought.

cathwood's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/9425
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Way to go, Cathy! And it wasn't even one of the dozens of replies
posted previously on this site that I've been practising "just in

Remember I posted in this thread a short while back that I'd been called
"the wheel man" while on holiday? Well, I'd obviously been feeling far
too smug about this, as last week at the same site, different children
took to calling out hellos to "the circus man"

There's me - laughing on the outside...

s7ev0 - woooaaaah!

Avatar courtesy of Loosemoose.
s7ev0's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/7310
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One of the names for the vehicle Cathwood described is Trail-a-Bike.
This may be a proprietary name. If asked where my other wheel was by
someone driving one of those, I'd hope to be quick enough to come up

1. It's stuck to the back of your bike!

2. Your kid's riding it!

3. Your kid stole it!

4. I know where yours is!

johnfoss - More Moab Fun

John Foss, the Uni-Cyclone
"jfoss" at "unicycling.com" -- www.unicycling.com

"Read the rules!" -- 'IUF Rulebook'
(http://www.unicycling.org/iuf/rulebook/) -- 'USA Rulebook'
johnfoss's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/832
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Earlier post made me think:

I'm gonna start singing to the old tune,
"Ooooh, the wheels on our butts go round and round, round and round,
round and round, the wheels on our butts go round and round Aaaaall
through the town..."

Kayote - O, the wheels on our butts go round

Greg, your cartoonin' unicycler.

Kayote's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/8562
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Had a new one yesterday whilst riding my mate's schlumpf back home:

(In broad northern accent shouted rom a car after tooting his horn
muchly) Oi yer b*stard clown!

Oh it's wonderful to be back in Macc.

Had where's your other wheel said to me in German whilst I was
away...Made me nearly chuckle myself off my wheel.

MrBoogiejuice - Who's mate Your mate My mate Marmot

Throwing down shapes in the Church of Dance since 1983.

Make crumbs not War!

MrBoogiejuice's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/5515
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MrBoogiejuice wrote:
> *
> Had where's your other wheel said to me in German whilst I was
> away...Made me nearly chuckle myself off my wheel. *

It's comforting to know that people can be unoriginal in all languages.

harper - A walk in the park.

-Greg Harper


"You guys aren't thinking this through. Hey, where's your other... BANG.
" - Brian MacKenzie
harper's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/426
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On Thu, 1 Sep 2005 10:21:58 -0500, "harper" wrote:

>It's comforting to know that people can be unoriginal in all languages.

And at the same time remarkable that people all over the world think
that they have an original remark!

"Waar is je andere wiel?"

or even more common:

"Je bent een wiel verloren."

Klaas Bil - Newsgroup Addict
"Unicycling is like glue: you have to stick with it, and it's not to be sniffed at - Mikefule"