Quote of the day (from non-riders)

alexmay wrote:
> er, we ARE unicyclists. and if you don't want people to stare at you
> then why are you riding it? people WILL look.
> also, the guy putting up the christmas decorations was just being
> friendly. How's about sending some christmas cheer back the other way
> -al

do you ride because you want people to stare at you? i understand he
was just being friendly so it didn't bother me that much. i did send
some xmas cheer the other way in the form of my standard response to
everyone who feels like saying something to me... a slightly cheerful
"alright" and a thumbs up. it seems to work best to satisfy their
desire for me to acknowledge them without encouraging them to say
something else.

boo radley

"This is your work! You'd better take care of me, Lord...because if you
don't you're gonna have me on your hands." -Raoul Duke
boo radley's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/10484
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/38668
Got a new one Sunday.

"Well, the best thing is you could only get one flat."

I'm just proud of the guy for not using the first three things that
probably popped into his head. You know- the ones everyone else uses.

Speaking of which, has anyone bothered to compile the most overused
comments into a list we could all reference? Say me and my bud are
riding at the park. Widder Smif walking her toy poodle says, "Where's
the rest of your bike?" And my bud and I laugh and shout "#4!"
Followed by, "He's riding it!" and grin maniacally at her, inviting her
to share our mirth at her wit and our stereo response.


Dogzilla, Ex-Kayote.

For your Holiday shoppin' convenience:
dogzilla's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/11191
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i got a VERY interesting comment/act. i was riding down my road and
there was some 7 year old standing in his driveway when i passed, he
" Oh my god your so frickin' annoying" and then he sat down and started
crying in the snow. mabey he was having a bad day... i hope

Radical Reed

If at first you don't suceed, distroy all evidence that you tried

the main reason santa is so jolly is because he knows where all the bad
girls live.
Radical Reed's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/10427
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i had a guy say... while riding my coker... " hey its half the effort i
suppose.." i thought it was fairly original



All hail the exhaulted Sigpoose, for he is forever king...
R.I.P Unibiker
R.I.P Gazzaloddi
R.I.P Paul Hester
R.I.P James Doohan
R.I.P Mitch Hedberg
R.I.P Peter Jennings
R.I.P Pope John Paul II
R.I.P James_Potters_Cat

-last edited by the dave and sigpoose on 2005-09-05 at 08:56 pm -
Unitik908's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/8690
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i made a big mistake today, went riding exactly when all the kids were
getting out of school. people were yelling **** (not all of it
negative) at me and laughing the -whole way-. a bus pulled up and a
bunch of junior high kids started getting out just as i went riding by
on my 36. someone yelled "nice bike ******!!" i don't really care
what people say so i just said "nice school bus."

boo radley

"This is your work! You'd better take care of me, Lord...because if you
don't you're gonna have me on your hands." -Raoul Duke
boo radley's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/10484
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/38668
bwahahaha... nice school bus... i gotta try that one on them kids who
yell at me outta the bus window... Mine today was "Hey, can i borrow
your bicycle, kid?" <guy's friend to guy> "dude, you can't ride that
thing, it's from the circus!"


Cheers, Mat.
--"to maxis: STOP. GRAMMAR TIME." -Fwgen0moB?
"abababilbel" - General Dibbles
abbabibble's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/10751
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I think the best one I've heard has to be "Look Mom! A tricycle!" from a
three-year old on my street. Another favourite was when a little kid in
all innocence looked at me and asked "Have you ever done a Wheelie?"
From anyone else it would have earned at best a groan and at worst an
insult. But this, this was just funny.:p


:eek: -Chauncy!!- :eek:
chauncy's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/11278
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boo radley wrote:
> a bus pulled up and a bunch of junior high kids started getting out just
> as i went riding by on my 36. someone yelled "nice bike ******!!" i
> don't really care what people say so i just said "nice school bus."

Ha, that's awesome boo. Recently, I was gently cruising on the Santa
Barbara boardwalk at like 2 miles per hour, and this elderly woman
looks at me and says "Stupid a$$hole!" as if I had just run her over,
even though I was 2 yards away. Next time someone gives me ****, I'm
gonna tell 'em "nice school bus!"

eyal's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/1613
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This one's not a quote from a non-rider, but still funny: A couple times
while mountain unicycling, I'd pass a hiker who happens to slip on a
difficult section just as I'm going by. I can't help but say "careful
now". I'm sure they haaate hearing that from a guy passing by on a
mountain unicycle.

eyal's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/1613
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/38668
While riding a unicycle with two of my friends who were also mounted and
riding within 15 feet of me, a middle-aged lady pulls up in a minivan
and asks the standard questions "is it hard? where do you get one?" et
cetera. then, before leaving, she drops this gem. "So do the three of
you go riding together?"

It was right out of a Jeff Foxworthy joke.


Gliding, finally.

TheBadger587's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/5576
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Today I rode past the local elementary school... Ok, one of the two (The
English One) It was recess, and the kids were yelling stuff like
"You're cool!" and "You're awesome!" Always nice to hear that :) They
thought it was great when I rolled off the curb, and hopped onto the
sidewalk on the opposite side of the street... The kids here are cool,
they like it when we ride by :)


Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total
obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and
through me. And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see
its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will

* Bene Gesserit Litany Against Fear.

I'm late for checkers with the Dalai Lama!

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On Tue, 6 Dec 2005 14:12:22 -0600, dogzilla wrote:

>Speaking of which, has anyone bothered to compile the most overused
>comments into a list we could all reference?

Not only the comments, but the comebacks too! Phil created the
Automatic Retort Generator, see http://www.flippet.org/lostawheel/ .

Klaas Bil - Newsgroup Addict
"erectile function trumps public image - David Stone, commenting on the importance of seat comfort"
On Tue, 6 Dec 2005 14:12:22 -0600, dogzilla wrote:

>Speaking of which, has anyone bothered to compile the most overused
>comments into a list we could all reference?

Not only the comments, but the comebacks too! Phil created the
Automatic Retort Generator, see http://www.flippet.org/lostawheel/ .

Edit: I take that back. It's only the retorts to our single most heard

Klaas Bil - Newsgroup Addict
"erectile function trumps public image - David Stone, commenting on the importance of seat comfort"
Excellent. The comments and retorts shall be volume three of the giant
'Tomes of Unicycling' I'm going to write and illustrate someday.

Everything else I can steal off these threads will be the appendices.

It occurred to me to mention here that sometimes the best defense is a
good offense.

I watched a trio of joggers coming up the trail at me, and I could see
'em thinking of something to say. Being a loud obnoxious sort myself,
and not waiting for them to start talking, I said "HEY! You guys gotta
go back! You forgot your unicycles!"

And everyone laughed.


Dogzilla, Ex-Kayote.

For your Holiday shoppin' convenience:
dogzilla's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/11191
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dogzilla wrote:
> has anyone bothered to compile the most overused comments into a list we
> could all reference?

I did one for On One Wheel in 1981 or 82 (NOTE: There hasn't been much
to add to it since then either, except off-road specific stuff). I
don't know if one has ever been compiled on a Web site.

One of my favorites:
Q: What happens when you get a flat?
A: I move my furniture in.


John Foss, the Uni-Cyclone
"jfoss" at "unicycling.com" -- www.unicycling.com

"Read the rules!" -- 'IUF Rulebook'
(http://www.unicycling.org/iuf/rulebook/) -- 'USA Rulebook'
johnfoss's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/832
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boo radley wrote:
> do you ride because you want people to stare at you? i understand he
> was just being friendly so it didn't bother me that much. i did send
> some xmas cheer the other way in the form of my standard response to
> everyone who feels like saying something to me... a slightly cheerful
> "alright" and a thumbs up. it seems to work best to satisfy their
> desire for me to acknowledge them without encouraging them to say
> something else.

nah i prefer to ride when no-ones around.
I'm glad you weren't one of those people who just gives the middle
finger to people who try to be nice



'the wagbook (freewebs.com/wagbook)'
msn: [email protected]
alexmay's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/9914
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I worked at a casino again last night. After we finished, we're walking
thru the casino to the changeroom area. Andrew is pulling a wheeled
suitcase with our juggling clubs, torches and assorted toys while I'm
pushing our two unis.
This incredibly gorgeous blond woman walks up behind me wearing the
briefest pair of black briefs and a remarkably abreviated, backless red
sequined top.
"I dig your wheelchair" she tells me.
"Yeah", I desperately try to retort between the rivers of drool, "I'm
just looking for a welding machine now."
The rest of the exchange is a bit of a blur but we established that she
just finished working her shift of selling tequila-shots to punters
(she sells tequila, is there a more perfect woman on this earth?), that
she didn't have any spares lying around (ok, maybe not that perfect
then), that my name is Dave and my friend's name is Andrew (I entertain
this machiavellian theory that a guy who introduces his friend to a
pretty girl is scoring some points. Maybe the ladies can set me
straight on this score?), that her name is ... we actually both forgot
her name, and that we would be seeing her around that particular casino

Maybe not the sharpest comment I've ever heard, but she made me
completely forget about the 'guilty ref wheelchair' thread.


'three short gs and a long e-flat'
(http://w3.rz-berlin.mpg.de/cmp/beethoven_sym5_1.wav) - 'map'
'\\"freedom is just chaos, with better lighting.\\" entropy'
'harper' (http://tinyurl.com/c9epx)
'NAMASTE!' (http://tinyurl.com/4qcxw)
'Dave' (http://www.lyricsdir.com/d/deep-purple/child-in-time.php)
GILD's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/657
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Joel and I had just finished riding on Butser hill - a local country
park type place. We were meandering back down to the car park when we
hear from a youngish kid:

"Wow look! They're riding...", short pause, "...those things!".

Fantastic! :D



"The banana is big, but its skin is even bigger." - George Orwell
totally_hooked's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/10069
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My buddy and I were doing our usual sunrise ride one week when a local
running club bustled by. We waited for them to pass and heard.
"Unicycles... I had heard they were out here."

Like we were Bigfoot or something.


Dogzilla, Ex-Kayote.

For your Holiday shoppin' convenience:
dogzilla's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/11191
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/38668