Quote of the day (from non-riders)

I do caricatures in public occasionally. Same thing. People will walk
up and watch for a while, then make sure to tell me that they can draw

Sometimes, the insincerity just drips off 'em and other times- and this
is the awkward part- they're totally serious. You say, "That's
great..." leaving them open to tell you something about their
caricaturing, in this case- unicycling in others- and they just stand

"Ah." you say, and go back to what you were doing.

Kayote - O, the wheels on our butts go round

Greg, your cartoonin' unicycler.

Kayote's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/8562
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/38668
Here's one for you. i got this while at a Victoria Skate Park with Bry
and Sean (Vic unicyclists):
"I was at the Defect Premier, these guys suck!"

nrkist - The Trail is my Mistress

"The trail is my mistress, but you can be my girlfriend on the side"

"And there goes the nut, and the nuts and NOOO not the NUTS!! calm down
they were only salted not the honey roasted ones"
nrkist's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/9895
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my riding upset some people a little more than usual today...
"SAVE THAT FOR THE CIRCUS, B**CH!!!!!" and similar comments as i rode
by. they had nothing much to say when i turned back around, but they
were clearly high, so whatever. one of them did recognize me as the
pogo stick guy though... maybe i have previously offended them.

boo radley - Guest

"Never moon a werewolf"
boo radley's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/10484
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Kayote wrote:
> *Got off the wheel to go inside and, once again, a lady asks me, "Do
> you ride that thing?"
> What the hell did she think I had been doing up until the point she
> actually asked me the question?
> *

I got that earlier in the week too. I was almost going to respond with,
"no, I just really enjoy lugging this thing around with me!"

flyinuni - not a circus freak
flyinuni's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/10541
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The other day:

Kid: Dang!
Me: (riding and carrying clubs)
Kid: Can you....
Me: (start juggling while I ride)
Kid: DANG!!! (waits couple of seconds) ::DANG!!::
Me: (grinned and kept riding)

arcane - my avatar is INTERESTING not green

Why does everybody want green avatars?
arcane's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/10051
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I was talking to a friend of mine about this same subject, and I was
pretty much just complaining about the stupid annoying comments people
make. he decided he would be a smart ass and said, hey guess what i have
two of.
so I responded if it's a bike joke you wont have two of anything.

it was at their level but it was still satisfying.

I'm just getting so sick of the where is the other wheel, or bikes are
supposed to have two wheels cracks.

thank god for headphones.

ntappin's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/10800
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It's nothing about unicycling, but it was said by a nonunicyclist and
was funny, so I thought I would share it.

Sam (my 6 yr old son): Did god make everybody?
Me: Well some people think so. I think ... (potted/6yr old level account
of evolution ending with our probably evolving from apes)
Sam: Did you used to be a monkey when you were little mummy?


cathwood - Lunicyclist

A thought is just a thought.

cathwood's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/9425
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I was riding my Coker home on my commute. I saw a 10-12 year old girl
riding a unicycle while walking her dog. She grinned at me and I slowed
down to tell her, "it takes twice the woman to ride half the bike." I
don't often get the treat of seeing another unicyclist during my

harper - A walk in the park.

-Greg Harper


"You guys aren't thinking this through. Hey, where's your other... BANG.
" - Brian MacKenzie
harper's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/426
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The local unicycle group meets up in a park where a local bicycle group
regroups during a long ride. We joke back and forth, but of course,
most of the lines got used up quick. Seems that unicyclists aren't that
clever either, over time. Maybe there's been some new lines cooked up,
I haven't managed to make the meetings much this summer.

"Hey, look, it's those folks on the two wheeled unicycles!" ("You said
that last week.")

"Wow, I wish I could do two at one time."

"Is that hard?"

"I had one of those, but I took off all the stuff I didn't need, and I
had this left."

"Look at all the fancy extras... handlebars, wheel,
deraillelelelelleurs. Wow."

Some of the local guys have started competing in a duathlon on our
unicycles. One of the bikers gave a clever remark about it, to which he
was answered. "Okay, tell you what. Let's trade rides. Then we'll see
who can still finish."

Just one of those things that make you say "Hmmmmm."

The bike rider took it in the best spirit- the way it was intended.

Kayote - O, the wheels on our butts go round

Greg, your cartoonin' unicycler.

Kayote's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/8562
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/38668
I just remembered this one from a really long time ago:

I was in the Seattle Center area riding around by the fountain and the
food court entrace (the one by the taffy shop) and I saw a biker that
looked "normal," so I said, "Hey man, is that hard to ride?" in a nice
joking manner and he said as seriously as possible, "well, it's a
shifter bike which makes it harder, also it's (blah blah blah he adds a
few reasons why his junker bike is harder than usual)," and I am just
like, "ok, great, see ya then."

Another time I was riding around by starbucks and that new fountain (my
uni must be attracted to fountains!) in Bremerton during the blackberry
festival when a guy on a vintage bike started talking to me about my
unicycle. We got into a nice conversation and it felt really good
compared to a lot of these people who don't have a clue. He just was
like, "jeez, that looks like a nice unicycle!" and I just said, "yep, it
is pretty nice. I like your bike too." "Thanks, it's from the 70s," he
said and I said, "did you know Schwinn (the maker of his bike) made some
of the best and best-selling unicycles in the 60s up till now?" At this
point he was just like "oh cool" and stuff and we talked some more and
he left.

(wow, after re-reading that last story, it wasn't that interesting, but
oh well.......) :D

UniTyler - Everyone's my bra or sis!

halfbike wrote:
> *Tyler is the coolest and he is man new main man!!!*

-last edited by an insane hacker on 2005-09-05 at 4:23 pm-

UniTyler's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/6120
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Today a met an old lady that was out walking with ski poles.
I was riding my BC wheel.

she said:

"that is hard"

just like she had one and use to ride it sometimes.

I said:
even though I´m getting used to it and don´t think its very hard any

fexnix - King of the lemur gang

'*My fresh gallery*' (http://gallery.unicyclist.com/Fexnix-album)
'knarkargänget' (http://surl.se/elt)

\"u can ******** u retard it says sidehop not high jump so shut da f**k
up and go ride a b*ke. nob!\" /butty
fexnix's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/7381
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/38668
UniTyler wrote:
> *(wow, after re-reading that last story, it wasn't that interesting,
> but oh well.......) :D *

it's still nice to read of pleasant interactions between unicyclers and

GILD - Waffle-******, Time-bider and JCTK

if you can't say anything good about someone, sit right here by me.--
'alice' (http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/custom.html?) 'roosevelt'
(http://tinyurl.com/963jr) 'longworth' (http://tinyurl.com/78ybd)

I feel like a 'fugitive' (http://gallery.unicyclist.com/Daves-Tattoos)
from the law of averages.-- 'william h mauldin'

...using nietzsche's metaphysics to escape from
christianity...-'metro_tramp on the value of metaphysics'
it's hard to be sure, and good to be paranoid...john childs on life on
the internet
'harper' (http://tinyurl.com/c9epx)
'NAMASTE!' (http://tinyurl.com/4qcxw)
'Dave' (http://www.lyricsdir.com/d/deep-purple/child-in-time.php)
GILD's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/657
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one day i was riding my uni on a playground, and some little punk come
to me on his b*ke and ask me:

>> Can you do a wheely?<<

(i belive this is a ride on you rear tire if you are on the b*ke)

i just gave him that "wtf-is-it-look-like-i'm-doing" look...:D

sentlovrenc - one and only-Diareja

i don't know what to write in here :|
perhaps: Slovenija, od kot lepote tvoje...
sentlovrenc's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/10633
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sentlovrenc wrote:
> *>> Can you do a wheely?<< *

I have had that one too. My response to that question is "That is all I

A boy about 12-years-old was riding his bike and wanted to race me. I
told him I would race but he had to ride on one wheel.

Wheel Rider - From the Over 50 Group

** protect the Valle Vidal **

How much more abuse from Man can Earth stand?
Wheel Rider's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/10656
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Older folks used to ask frequently if I'd 'ride a wheelie', which was
the old and/or U.S. term (I'm never sure what to explain on this forum)
for riding on the back tire (or tyre). They quit asking lately and I'm
glad because I never knew how to answer, and my severe glare apparently
just isn't up to code.

Kayote - O, the wheels on our butts go round

Greg, your cartoonin' unicycler.

Kayote's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/8562
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/38668
ok. so i was riding down the street from school this afternoon towards
the bike shop to get a knobby for my 20", and about a block before the
store, a guy from my school yelled at me "NICE TRICYCLE!"

i'm sure someone has had this before, but i found it quite sad/hilarious
at the same time... this guy was a junior in high school. a year older
than me. I don't know if he said that on purpose, or if he didn't
actually know what it was i was riding...

abbabibble - uhh...

"1% of the people on the planet can ride a uni. The other 99% can only
wonder why we would do it."

-someone on this forum, and onewheeljoe. (unknown person, please PM me
if you said this, so you can get credit for this great quote.)

"maxis: STOP. GRAMMAR TIME!" ---fcwegnm0b

--"It's not difficult, but it is there and has to be done"

--"[just]respond with a casual bidigital salute[!]"

abbabibble's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/10751
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We had a table set for Club Day at Bishop's last week (The different
clubs advertise so people know we exist, and sign up, etc) and this girl
saw the muni video that I made this past summer playing on my laptop.
She said "Whoa, do either of you (myself or Tom) do that?" I replied
that it was me on the video. "Wow!" She said, "Yer really

New shirt design: "Girls think I'm 'agressive' when I ride" ;)

evil-nick - Unicyclist, Linux Geek, & swell guy

Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total
obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and
through me. And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see
its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will

* Bene Gesserit Litany Against Fear.

I'm late for checkers with the Dalai Lama!

My gallery:
Our Club:
evil-nick's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/6692
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