questions on the dyno fireball 24"x3.0

The FireBall is a great trials tire. It also makes a great Ultimate
Wheel tire, but I've never used it off road.


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I did, until I got a Mod uni. It was great for trials, stuck to
anything, as long as it wasnt wet. if it was, it only really slipped on
smooth marble. I never really tried it off road, but I would imagine as
long as it's not too wet it should be fine.

Max_Dingemans - Hey Look, who's that?

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I ride trails on the fireball every now and then. I like it for cross
country bridlepath riding rather than hardcore muni. On dry trails it's
fine, the huge volume makes for a very soft ride, and with it being
slick it's very smooth and quiet. Having a square profile it gets a bit
tricky riding along a slope, but then I normally ride with a Halo Contra
which is good at this so that might not be anything unusual.

It's when it gets slimy that you'll want your knobbles... it is good at
rolling over mud and puddles but the minute you have to do it while
going up or down a hill it just slips out from under you.

The best thing about doing trials (not trails) on a fireball is that
every now and then it makes a little "squeak!" noise when you land
something. It makes you feel hardcore... :)


phil - ex-studenty type

"Cattle Prods solve most of life's little problems."
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i have a 3.0 fireball. i've ridden it on rough trails and it does well
until traction becomes an issue - like riding up something steep. i
also find that the side wall is thin and folds more quickly than the
gazz when hopping or pecking.

i switch to the fireball only when i think i'll be riding a lot of road.
i prefer the gazz for both trials and trails. but sometimes the
fireball gets left on the uni and i end up using it for trials and

when my gazz goes bald, i think i'll use it for my road tire and buy
another gazz for off-road. the gazz seems easier to ride than the
fireball in any case, maybe due to the square profile of the fireball.


onefiftyfour - Eric
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I love the fireball (its the same exact one in Mojoes pic) for trials.
The little chirping is awesome, and if you run it at the proper
pressure, it allows you to get good compression while still being hard
enough to ride singletrack with less than half the tire on the track or
peck up very steep surfaces.

For trails it is good so long as you keep it fairly dry. If it gets wet
it tends to slip because of the lack of knobs. This problem isn't very
bad unless torquing up or down things, in which case the tire may break
loose. But it is otherwise nice, as it can be ran at low pressure
allowing you to roll over anything.

Edit: I also like it better than the gazz for trials because it is
square (meaning you either get a hieght or don't as it doesn't roll off
the edges of things) and the compound is perfect. It is very grippy but
doesn't seem to wear. I don't know what Joe put it through before me,
but mines as good as new.

TheObieOne3226 - Extreme Halfb*ker

Yeah. Shut up kid!

-The Thnikkaman
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