Isnt it absurd that power meters are being touted as the holy grail for ultra-endurance cycling performance when many of the most successful riders in the history of the sport achieved greatness without them, and isnt it equally baffling that some of the most renowned coaches and athletes in the sport still swear by traditional training methods such as perceived exertion and heart rate monitoring, so whats the real value proposition of power meters for ultra-endurance cycling, and are they truly worth the significant investment, or are they just a luxury item for the tech-obsessed and a crutch for those who cant develop a proper sense of pacing and self-awareness, and shouldnt we be focusing more on developing the mental and physical toughness thats always been the hallmark of successful endurance athletes rather than relying on gadgets and gizmos to tell us how to ride, and whats the point of having all that data if youre not actually using it to inform your training and racing decisions, and isnt it time for a more nuanced discussion about the role of power meters in ultra-endurance cycling that acknowledges both their benefits and limitations, rather than just blindly accepting them as the ultimate training tool.