Ah, the noble pursuit of planning a bike trip with children. I'm sure it's just like herding cats, but with added whining and requests for snack breaks.
Firstly, let me address the elephant in the room: if you're expecting everyone to "stay engaged and excited throughout the journey," you might as well kiss your dreams of a peaceful, scenic ride goodbye. Instead, aim for a state of controlled chaos, where no one is crying too loudly and you're only slightly lost.
As for routes, I recommend the "Gently Downhill to the Ice Cream Shop" trail. It's got just enough incline to keep things interesting, and a delicious payoff at the end. And for landmarks, don't overlook the charm of a good roadside attraction. Nothing builds camaraderie like bonding over a giant ball of twine.
Preparation and training? Ha! That's a good one. If you're feeling ambitious, try bribing your kids with stickers or small toys for every mile they ride without complaining. It's like tricking them into exercising, but with added consumerism.
And finally, educational elements. Sure, why not? Just don't be surprised if your kids are more interested in the mating habits of local wildlife than the geological history of the landmarks. At least they're learning something.
In conclusion, planning a bike trip with kids is a recipe for adventure, chaos, and perhaps a touch of madness. But hey, at least you'll have some good stories to tell. Good luck, and may the wind be ever at your back. *unless it's a headwind, in which case, may you at least have a tailwind.*