Hi all,
Wondering what people think 'bout the finer points of pedaling. i ask as a
strange thing happened on my ride the other day. generally when i cycle i
just push with each foot in turn on the appropriate pedal but then for some
reason i put more weight on the saddle and then started pulling up on the
pedals too. this seemed to increase cadence without extra effort. is this
somthing everyone does that i've just been missing out on?? seems so obvious
now? is it correct as such? cheers.
Wondering what people think 'bout the finer points of pedaling. i ask as a
strange thing happened on my ride the other day. generally when i cycle i
just push with each foot in turn on the appropriate pedal but then for some
reason i put more weight on the saddle and then started pulling up on the
pedals too. this seemed to increase cadence without extra effort. is this
somthing everyone does that i've just been missing out on?? seems so obvious
now? is it correct as such? cheers.