[email protected] (Edward Dolan) wrote in message
[email protected]>...
> Tom Sherman <
[email protected]> wrote in message news:<
[email protected]>...
> > Edward Dolan wrote:
> > >
> > > Bill g, you have got that right. Only jerks would bring up politics or religion and other
> > > divisive subjects when riding. Anyone who would do this with me would be cast into the outer
> > > regions forthwith. However, these OT threads on a.r.b.r. are a different matter entirely.
> > > There is a self selected group of propangandists for the extreme left who mean to dominate
> > > these threads and they need to be called on their arrogance and their ignorance. There are a
> > > few of us who are still sane and rational enough to rise to the occasion. Why should total
> > > idiots dominate these OT threads?
> >
> > Mr. Dolan appears to have a bright future as a radio talk show host.
> >
> > Tom Sherman - Quad Cities USA (Illinois side)
you have that right, if folks listened to CNN (and a few others) one would think that we were
getting our tails handed to us. Not true, Saddam had his ass handed to him and the murdering
followers that worked for him will get thiers and the US military will hand it to them. Yeah you got
it we are there to win and win we will, and the Iraq people will win.
As far as Tom's endless rants about the big bad Government? Well he has an option, if he finds the
freedom that American Soldiers give thier lives for so repugnant he should jump on plane and move to
France. I am sure most of that Countries policies and culture would appeal to him.
Bush made the right call, the MAJORITY of the American people support the actions of the President
God Bless these United States of America.
> Mr. Sherman would further his education no end if he would tune into a few radio talk shows
> himself. Notice I did not say "conservative" radio talk shows. Everyone knows there are no
> "liberal" radio talk shows, the reason being that no one would listen to them. After all, they
> have NPR and the broadcast networks as well as most of the major media on their side. But they
> are no longer able to dominate the discussion and brainwash everyone like they were able to
> before the advent of radio talk shows and of course Fox News, the only cable news channel to
> get the war right.
> Ed Dolan - Minnesota