OT: Why are they dancing in the streets?

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"Slider2699" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:<i8%[email protected]>...
> "Rob Rudeski" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...

> > When did the fundamentalists take over? I missed that on the news.
> >
> > Rob
> >
> >
> And just what form of government do YOU think the 65% Shi'ite population will choose? Iraq will be
> a fundamentalist nation. It's inevitable. The only reason it hasn't been up to this point is
> Saddam brutally repressed the Shi'ites.

Gee, I don't know Slider and I doubt if you do either. What in fact does any American know about the
Shiites. But let's ask Mr. Sherman. He will know!

Ed Dolan - Minnesota
Tom Sherman <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> Edward Dolan wrote:
> >
> > Bill g, you have got that right. Only jerks would bring up politics or religion and other
> > divisive subjects when riding. Anyone who would do this with me would be cast into the outer
> > regions forthwith. However, these OT threads on a.r.b.r. are a different matter entirely. There
> > is a self selected group of propangandists for the extreme left who mean to dominate these
> > threads and they need to be called on their arrogance and their ignorance. There are a few of us
> > who are still sane and rational enough to rise to the occasion. Why should total idiots dominate
> > these OT threads?
> Mr. Dolan appears to have a bright future as a radio talk show host.
> Tom Sherman - Quad Cities USA (Illinois side)

Mr. Sherman would further his education no end if he would tune into a few radio talk shows
himself. Notice I did not say "conservative" radio talk shows. Everyone knows there are no
"liberal" radio talk shows, the reason being that no one would listen to them. After all, they
have NPR and the broadcast networks as well as most of the major media on their side. But they
are no longer able to dominate the discussion and brainwash everyone like they were able to
before the advent of radio talk shows and of course Fox News, the only cable news channel to
get the war right.

Ed Dolan - Minnesota
"Rich Westerman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:<[email protected]>...
> >
> > Anyone who identifies himself as a Pinhead has automatically lost all credibility, but you are
> > at least accurate.
> >
> > Ed Dolan - Minnesota
> Mr Dolan,
> please contact your doctor and request to be put on the irony transplant list.
Mr. Westerman,

And what makes you think I am not being ironic, and witty to boot. Or are you just another arbr
blockhead? You could take some lessons from
Ms. Sherman in that department (irony and wit) yourself.

Ed Dolan - Minnesota
Tom Sherman <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> Edward Dolan wrote:
> >
> > Bill g, you have got that right. Only jerks would bring up politics or religion and other
> > divisive subjects when riding....
> Certainly the 1998 Illinois Supreme Court Boub vs. Wayne decision and the pending legislative
> measures meant to address it would be a relevant topic to discuss during a bike ride in Illinois.
> Another controversial but relevant topic for a bicycle rides in the US would be levels of funding
> for cycling related facility over the next six fiscal year that will be included the "T-3"
> transportation funding bill currently before Congress.
> Tom Sherman - Various HPV's Quad Cities USA (Illinois side)

Nope, sorry, but I would not discuss either of the above topics you suggest on a bike ride because
they would be divisive and lead to rancor causing nausea and vomiting. I stand by my previous
statement which you so kindly quote above. When I am on a bike ride with my fellow cyclists I insist
that we stay on pleasant subjects that will contribute to a pleasant day. Anyone who broaches a
serious subject while doing a bike ride with relative strangers is a jerk. If this describes you,
then so be it.

Ed Dolan - Minnesota
It's obviously Ronald Reagan's fault, all this bad blood between the Brits and the Ruskies. Had
Ronny not spent the USSR into bankruptcy (ending the Cold War), Putin wouldn't be in power today.
So, if Blair had been or is assasinated, that's attributable directly to US foreign policy. Just
like every other bit of evil in the world. Right, Tom? "skip" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Tom Sherman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]... <snip>
> >
> > [1] In this case it does not matter what the real truth is, because the issue is how certain
> > populations will perceive the US. (The converse is also true, of course).
> As far as how certain populations will perceive the US I'm sure it will be the same old same old.
> You know that. Far more important is how the
> will perceive certain other populations after we go through all of the
> intelllegence records and purchases. I just saw a story in a UK paper
> Russia spying on Prime Minister Blair for Saddam. Russia supposedly supplied Saddam with a list of
> assassins available for hits. The
> was found in the Iraq Intelligence Agency in Baghdad. Read about it here: http://tinyurl.com/9ekp.
> Change of perception is in the wind.
> skip
Jeff Wills wrote:
> Tom Sherman <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> > From my immense database of two cats and two recumbents, I will state that cats prefer the
> > Lightning P-38 to the Easy Racers TiGRR. The flat seat pad of the P-38 is a better platform for
> > feline sitting and sleeping than the shaped seat base foam of the TiGRR.
> >
> Hmm... my cats certainly enjoyed my P-38 when I had it in the house. They haven't sampled the Easy
> Racers seats (I've got a Cobra, my wife's got a Koolback) since the bikes are kept in the garage
> and the cats are kept indoors.
> Jeff (1 wife, 2 cats, 3 'bents)

What I have found is that cats are most attracted to any small parts that are left on the floor
during maintenance. The conical springs in quick release skewers are particularly fascinating.

Lorenzo L. Love http://home.thegrid.net/~lllove

The cause of human evolution is no longer a mystery: http://home.thegrid.net/~lllove/pliocats.htm
"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Slider2699" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:<i8%[email protected]>...
> > "Rob Rudeski" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
> > > When did the fundamentalists take over? I missed that on the news.
> > >
> > > Rob
> > >
> > >
> > And just what form of government do YOU think the 65% Shi'ite population will choose? Iraq will
> > be a fundamentalist nation. It's inevitable. The
> > reason it hasn't been up to this point is Saddam brutally repressed the Shi'ites.
> Gee, I don't know Slider and I doubt if you do either. What in fact does any American know about
> the Shiites. But let's ask Mr. Sherman. He will know!
It just stands to reason. Fundamentalist Islam dominates the Arab world now. No reason it shouldn't
take root in Iraq. Anyone who is expecting an American-style democracy to take root there is naive.
"Slider2699" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...

> It just stands to reason. Fundamentalist Islam dominates the Arab world
> No reason it shouldn't take root in Iraq. Anyone who is expecting an American-style democracy to
> take root there is naive.
The fundamentalists don't believe in man's law which of course defines a democracy. They will fight
against it and us. (See Osma's November 24th letter to us for details). Plus I don't see a lot of
"want to" in the Arab world in general. It will be tough to make it stick. Slider is probably right,
but I'm willing to at least give it a chance.

[email protected] (Edward Dolan) wrote in message
news:<[email protected]>...
> Tom Sherman <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> > Edward Dolan wrote:
> > >
> > > Bill g, you have got that right. Only jerks would bring up politics or religion and other
> > > divisive subjects when riding. Anyone who would do this with me would be cast into the outer
> > > regions forthwith. However, these OT threads on a.r.b.r. are a different matter entirely.
> > > There is a self selected group of propangandists for the extreme left who mean to dominate
> > > these threads and they need to be called on their arrogance and their ignorance. There are a
> > > few of us who are still sane and rational enough to rise to the occasion. Why should total
> > > idiots dominate these OT threads?
> >
> > Mr. Dolan appears to have a bright future as a radio talk show host.
> >
> > Tom Sherman - Quad Cities USA (Illinois side)


you have that right, if folks listened to CNN (and a few others) one would think that we were
getting our tails handed to us. Not true, Saddam had his ass handed to him and the murdering
followers that worked for him will get thiers and the US military will hand it to them. Yeah you got
it we are there to win and win we will, and the Iraq people will win.

As far as Tom's endless rants about the big bad Government? Well he has an option, if he finds the
freedom that American Soldiers give thier lives for so repugnant he should jump on plane and move to
France. I am sure most of that Countries policies and culture would appeal to him.

Bush made the right call, the MAJORITY of the American people support the actions of the President

God Bless these United States of America.

> Mr. Sherman would further his education no end if he would tune into a few radio talk shows
> himself. Notice I did not say "conservative" radio talk shows. Everyone knows there are no
> "liberal" radio talk shows, the reason being that no one would listen to them. After all, they
> have NPR and the broadcast networks as well as most of the major media on their side. But they
> are no longer able to dominate the discussion and brainwash everyone like they were able to
> before the advent of radio talk shows and of course Fox News, the only cable news channel to
> get the war right.
> Ed Dolan - Minnesota
The cat of the previous owner of my former Windcheetah used the seat thereof as a bed. I had to
shell out a Certain Amount for new seat cushions due to the antics of this fur-shedding mobile
hearth-rug :-(

Dave Larrington - http://legslarry.crosswinds.net/
Editor - British Human Power Club Newsletter
Ed and Mike, regarding you collective thoughts, I have only one response..... DITTO! Thank you for
balancing these OT discussions!

Jim Reilly Reading, PA
"Dave Larrington" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:<[email protected]>...
> The cat of the previous owner of my former Windcheetah used the seat thereof as a bed. I had to
> shell out a Certain Amount for new seat cushions due to the antics of this fur-shedding mobile
> hearth-rug :-(

Hah! 'Bent minds think alike:

"Cats are not pets. They are mobile furniture." -- Me

Jeff the cat-owned
"skip" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
> "Slider2699" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > It just stands to reason. Fundamentalist Islam dominates the Arab world
> now.
> > No reason it shouldn't take root in Iraq. Anyone who is expecting an American-style democracy to
> > take root there is naive.
> >
> >
> The fundamentalists don't believe in man's law which of course defines a democracy. They will
> fight against it and us. (See Osma's November 24th letter to us for details). Plus I don't see a
> lot of "want to" in the
> world in general. It will be tough to make it stick. Slider is probably right, but I'm willing to
> at least give it a chance.
> skip
I am probably right, but that doesn't mean I'm happy about it. I really worry about some Mullah
issuing a death warrant on Musharraf in Pakistan, then a group like the Taliban assuming power
there. Pakistan is full of extremely fundamentalist Muslims, and they have nukes. Not a good
combination at all, IMHO.
"Slider2699" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:<[email protected]>...
> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > "Slider2699" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:<i8%[email protected]>...
> > > "Rob Rudeski" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
> > > > When did the fundamentalists take over? I missed that on the news.
> > > >
> > > > Rob
> > > >
> > > >
> > > And just what form of government do YOU think the 65% Shi'ite population will choose? Iraq
> > > will be a fundamentalist nation. It's inevitable. The
> only
> > > reason it hasn't been up to this point is Saddam brutally repressed the Shi'ites.
> >
> > Gee, I don't know Slider and I doubt if you do either. What in fact does any American know about
> > the Shiites. But let's ask Mr. Sherman. He will know!
> >
> >
> It just stands to reason. Fundamentalist Islam dominates the Arab world now. No reason it
> shouldn't take root in Iraq. Anyone who is expecting an American-style democracy to take root
> there is naive.

Ever hear of what happened in Japan following the conclusion of that war? But you may be right, not
because the Shiites are the way they are (certainly no worse than the Japanese were some 60 years
ago) but because we Americans are probably no longer capable of seeing to the establishment of a
democracy in Iraq like our grandparents were able to accomplish in Japan just a few generations ago.
And it does not have to be an American-style democracy. Any kind of democracy at all will do. If it
is possible, then it is not naive.

Ed Dolan - Minnesota
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