OT: Why are they dancing in the streets?

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"stratrider" skrev...
> Clearly those Iraqis dancing in the streets of Baghdad have failed to read the comments of the
> "enlightened, intellectual, elite, secularists" that have frequented many OT threads (with their
> version of TRUTH) on this news group. How could these Iraqis do this! What are they celebrating
> for? Something to think about as we ride!

Cool... now India is considering a pre-emptive strike against Pakistan based on the great example of
you know who in Iraq. Thank you, mr. Bush. You've certainly made our world safer.

Lets all go and dance in the streets!
I sincerely hope you don't get a STD and blame that on George. ;-))

Gator Bob Siegel EasyRacers Ti Rush "Mikael Seierup" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "stratrider" skrev...
> > Clearly those Iraqis dancing in the streets of Baghdad have failed to read the comments of the
> > "enlightened, intellectual, elite, secularists" that have frequented many OT threads (with their
> > version of TRUTH) on this news group. How could these Iraqis do this! What are they celebrating
> > for? Something to think about as we ride!
> Cool... now India is considering a pre-emptive strike against Pakistan based on the great example
> of you know who in Iraq. Thank you, mr. Bush. You've certainly made our world safer.
> Lets all go and dance in the streets!
"Mikael Seierup" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Cool... now India is considering a pre-emptive strike against Pakistan based on the great example
> of you know who in Iraq. Thank you, mr. Bush. You've certainly made our world safer.
> Lets all go and dance in the streets!
I suspect "mr. Bush" has made your world to unsafe for you to be out dancing in the streets. Better
for you to stay inside Mikael and leave the street dancing to braver souls.

"skip" skrev

> I suspect "mr. Bush" has made your world to unsafe for you to be out dancing in the streets.

Actually I suspect Mr. Ford and Herr Daimler is to blame for that. ;-)

But I'm not too happy about a world where pre-emptive strikes are the norm. You could call Pearl
Harbor a pre-emptive strike and far as I recall you people weren't too happy about that either.

Anyway I will again try to focus on bents and cats here. Sorry about the ranting.

"Pieter Litchfield" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> And my personal favorite - they wouldn't let american soldiers near a
> because they are Holy sites, but then a crowd just butchered two Muslim clerics INSIDE a mosque.
> Ok..... I don't get it "Slider2699" <[email protected]> wrote in

I don't know what you don't "get". The clerics who were butchered were pro-American puppets. The
Shi'ites are going to have their fundamentalist regime, and will kill anyone who dares to suggest
otherwise. Good job, President Bush. You've exchanged a secular greedy dictator for a
fundamentalist regime.
"Robert Siegel" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I sincerely hope you don't get a STD and blame that on George. ;-))
> --
Geez, Bob, the Indians clearly stated that the pre-emptive strike on Iraq has set the precedent for
dealing with Pakistan.
"> "Robert Siegel" wrote...
> > I sincerely hope you don't get a STD and blame that on George. ;-))

*grin* Nah, I guess Slick Willie would be the one to blame. He prolly interviewed a few "interns"
while visiting Copenhagen. ;-)

I am not sure where you are from, Mikael, but no, I guess we (the US) were not too happy with the
strike on Pearl Harbor. Although, I guess the rest of the free world was happy with the results of
it (it got us into the war). Otherwise we might all be typing in German on these newsgroups. Besides
which, I don't know if the Japanese considered it a preemptive strike since the US had been
supporting the Allies' war effort for quite a while before that via supplies. Just like some people
don't consider the Iraq action a preemptive strike since this could just be considered the next step
in the war started on 9/11/01 (and even before that really).

I do know this though, I know that we don't have all the facts (and probably never will) but I have
faith in the inherent goodness of the American people and I believe we went to Iraq for all the
right reasons. I know that Iraq and the world will be (or at least has the potential to be) a
better and safer place without Saddam Hussein. I know that one country I never saw protesting the
war was Kuwait.

I regret the means to the end as well, war is never good, but sometimes it is the least bad. I am
not sure what other options there were, 13 years of negotiating and diplomacy did not work, the Iraq
regime did whatever it could get away with regardless of what the UN said. We did not go to Iraq for
cheaper oil, we did not go there to free the Iraq people (although that is a nice side benefit), we
went there to defeat a government that sponsored global terrorism, just like we did in Afghanistan,
and just like we will continue to do until it becomes inherently obvious to the most dense and
self-centered despot out there that in that way there lies nothing but their eventual ruin.

When words fail, there comes a time when good and otherwise peaceful people have to pick up arms and
protect themselves, their families, and their way of life.


"Mikael Seierup" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "skip" skrev
> > I suspect "mr. Bush" has made your world to unsafe for you to be out
> > in the streets.
> Actually I suspect Mr. Ford and Herr Daimler is to blame for that. ;-)
> But I'm not too happy about a world where pre-emptive strikes are the
> You could call Pearl Harbor a pre-emptive strike and far as I recall you people weren't too happy
> about that either.
> Anyway I will again try to focus on bents and cats here. Sorry about the
> M.
Robert Siegel wrote:
> Tom, why do you constantly ignore reality and simply repeat your left wing mantra.
> Fact: The Shah was an autocratic middle eastern ruler AND ALSO an enlightened man. Under him, Iran
> was an open, prosperous, westernized nation with legitimate educational institutions that in the
> long run offered a bright future to all its citizens, including women and minorities. When he was
> deposed, it was transformed into a social, intellectual and economic sewer run by ruthless
> religious zealots.

The Shah of Iran was also put in place of a parliamentary government [1] by the US, and was in many
ways a US puppet. Most in the US were/are ignorant of this, and therefore can not understand why
there was/is considerable anti-US sentiment expressed by Iranians since the Shah was deposed.

The Shah of Iran's secret police ruthlessly suppressed all opposition to the government except for
the radical fundamentalist Muslim's. They were not politically able to attack this group because it
would have been seen as an attack on Islam. Much of the support among the Iranian people for the
fundamentalist revolutionaries was not because people in Iran wanted their form of government, but
because there was no other outlet for opposition to the Pahlavi regime.

Iran is another example of "blowback" resulting from ill-conceived intervention by the US in the
internal affairs of other nations.

[1] That committed the "crime" [1] of favoring the interests of Iranians over foreign oil companies.
[2] Similar to the "crime" committed by the second in command [3] of the Iraqi Baath Party in 1973
when Iraq nationalized its oil production.
[3] Whose "crime" was never forgotten or forgiven by US/UK oil interests.

Tom Sherman - Quad Cities USA (Illinois side)

"Those to whom evil is done / Do evil in return." - W.H. Auden
Mikael Seierup wrote:
> The only absolute truth is that there is no absolute truth. Media- or governmenttruth is probably
> the worst kind. That goes for dancing and/or looting. The "immature rant"-quip was in referral to
> your namecalling and gloating.
> But the trenches has been dug so deep by both sides in this argument that its indistinguishable
> from religion, so lets just stick to bents and maybe cats?

From my immense database of two cats and two recumbents, I will state that cats prefer the Lightning
P-38 to the Easy Racers TiGRR. The flat seat pad of the P-38 is a better platform for feline sitting
and sleeping than the shaped seat base foam of the TiGRR.

Tom Sherman - Various HPV's Quad Cities USA (Illinois side)
skip wrote:
> "Mikael Seierup" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]... <snip>
> > Looting in the streets you mean?
> So you look at those pictures and you can only see the looting. So far the looting seems to be
> primarily limited to government facilities, the German embassy, and the UN facilities. Seeing them
> driving around in the UN inspectors cars puts a wry smile on my face at the irony of it all....

Be sure to take joy in this then. <

Tom Sherman - Quad Cities USA (Illinois side)
Edward Dolan wrote:
> Bill g, you have got that right. Only jerks would bring up politics or religion and other divisive
> subjects when riding. Anyone who would do this with me would be cast into the outer regions
> forthwith. However, these OT threads on a.r.b.r. are a different matter entirely. There is a self
> selected group of propangandists for the extreme left who mean to dominate these threads and they
> need to be called on their arrogance and their ignorance. There are a few of us who are still sane
> and rational enough to rise to the occasion. Why should total idiots dominate these OT threads?

Mr. Dolan appears to have a bright future as a radio talk show host.

Tom Sherman - Quad Cities USA (Illinois side)
Robert Siegel wrote:
> I sincerely hope you don't get a STD and blame that on George. ;-))

The more the Bush is able to implement the failed policy of "abstinence

Tom Sherman - Quad Cities USA (Illinois side)
skip wrote:
> I suspect "mr. Bush" has made your world to unsafe for you to be out dancing in the streets.
> Better for you to stay inside Mikael and leave the street dancing to braver souls.

Now that the US military appears to be targeting journalists in Iraq (and before that in
Afghanistan) [1], could critical Danes be next on the target list?

Remember, "You are with us, or you are against us".

[1] 2 for 2 on Al-Jazeera stations

Tom Sherman - Quad Cities USA (Illinois side)
skip wrote:
> ... They are new to democracy and this is how they think a primary should be run: We bring in
> potential candidates and they kill the ones they don't want.

This has been standard practice in several South and Central American countries that are supported
by the US.

Tom Sherman - Quad Cities USA (Illinois side)
Joshua Goldberg wrote:
> I certainly hope you mean a Keg of Brandy and NOT St. Bernard Whizz, otherwise this post should be
> on an alt.fetish. board.

St. Bernard's are noted for being copious droolers. Ugh!

Tom Sherman - Various HPV's Quad Cities USA (Illinois side)
Edward Dolan wrote:
> Bill g, you have got that right. Only jerks would bring up politics or religion and other divisive
> subjects when riding....

Certainly the 1998 Illinois Supreme Court Boub vs. Wayne decision and the pending legislative
measures meant to address it would be a relevant topic to discuss during a bike ride in Illinois.

Another controversial but relevant topic for a bicycle rides in the US would be levels of funding
for cycling related facility over the next six fiscal year that will be included the "T-3"
transportation funding bill currently before Congress.

Tom Sherman - Various HPV's Quad Cities USA (Illinois side)
Kurt wrote:
> ...Just like some people don't consider the Iraq action a preemptive strike since this could just
> be considered the next step in the war started on 9/11/01 (and even before that really)....


Tom Sherman - Quad Cities USA (Illinois side)

The first casualty, when war comes, is truth. - Senator Hiram Johnson
Kurt wrote:
> ... I regret the means to the end as well, war is never good, but sometimes it is the least bad. I
> am not sure what other options there were, 13 years of negotiating and diplomacy did not work, the
> Iraq regime did whatever it could get away with regardless of what the UN said. We did not go to
> Iraq for cheaper oil, we did not go there to free the Iraq people (although that is a nice side
> benefit), we went there to defeat a government that sponsored global terrorism, just like we did
> in Afghanistan, and just like we will continue to do until it becomes inherently obvious to the
> most dense and self-centered despot out there that in that way there lies nothing but their
> eventual ruin.
> When words fail, there comes a time when good and otherwise peaceful people have to pick up arms
> and protect themselves, their families, and their way of life.

The only creditable links between the Baathist Iraqi government and terrorism was its support for
groups that opposed the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip and/or Israel itself.
Iraq is/was less of a supported of international terrorism than our (US) un-invaded "friend" Saudi
Arabia. [1] There are no known cases of Iraqi sponsored terrorism occurring on US territory.

As for the necessity of invading Iraq to defend the US way of life, only true if we mean consuming
the lion's share of the world's petroleum supply at absurdly low prices. Any one who believes that
they are paying the full cost at retail price for oil or other petroleum products in the US is sadly

[1] Saudi sources are known to fund Al Qaida and related organizations, and 15 of the 19 September
11, 2001 hijackers/terrorists were Saudi Arabian. [2]

Tom Sherman - Quad Cities USA (Illinois side)

"No passion so effectually robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear." -
Edmund Burke

Are you saying that you agree that it is the fault of the US military that the museum was looted and


"Tom Sherman" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
> skip wrote:
> >
> > "Mikael Seierup" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> > news:[email protected]... <snip>
> >
> > > Looting in the streets you mean?
> >
> > So you look at those pictures and you can only see the looting. So far
> > looting seems to be primarily limited to government facilities, the
> > embassy, and the UN facilities. Seeing them driving around in the UN inspectors cars puts a wry
> > smile on my face at the irony of it all....
> Be sure to take joy in this then. <
http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/nm/20030412/wl_nm/iraq_baghda d_museum_dc_4
> >
> Tom Sherman - Quad Cities USA (Illinois side)
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