Sheryl Rosen
Today was a beautiful, unseasonably mild day, about 45 degrees and bright and sunny.
I have about 5 sets of sheets for my bed. It's nice because I can change the sheets without having
to wash them right away. The weather hasn't been nice enough to hang sheets out in quite awhile, so
I've had a big bag of sheets and pillowcases begging to be washed (I don't have a dryer). My plan
for today was to wash them at home and then bring them to the laundromat to use their dryer. But
when I woke up, I realized it was going to be a nice windy, sunny day and therefore, perfect to hang
the sheets out!
I washed 2 sets in the machine and hung them out this morning, making certain each item had 3-4
clothespin on it, so they wouldn't come off the line and land on the grass below.
About 3pm, I went out back to check on them, and discovered the wind had wound the sheets around the
lines, which were now tangled and couldn't be moved!!!!
I tried a few things, no avail, then went out to run errands.
When I got home, my landlady came out and said "You didn't use your brains!....on a windy day, you
don't put the clothespin on the sheets, because this is what happens". Whatever. I thought I was
doing the right thing by clipping them so securely to the line. I went upstairs, (i'm on the second
floor) and thought seriously about calling the fire department to see if they could come over with
their cherry-picker to unclip the stuff from the line and rescue my laundry. I mean, it's not that
far off from rescuing a cat up a tree, is it?
Then I started shaking the lines, hoping the movement would knock some of the clothes pins off,
therefore making it easier to get the laundry to unwind back around the other way. One did pop off,
which gave me hope.
Well, anyway, at this point, the landlady is on her porch, below mine, looking up at me, not
offering anything constructive ("Don't break the lines...I'm not paying to have someone come and put
them back up!"), and even Mandy had pounced onto the bedroom window, watching this spectacle from
inside the warm apartment.
Understand, this was hysterically funny, even though it was kinda pathetic!
I managed to tug good and hard on the line to bring the first pillow case close enough to tug it off
the line. The clothespins popped off (broken, of course) and that freed up another foot of line. I
tugged some more, and brought the laundry closer. Each time somethign came off the line, the lines
got more untangled and easier to budge. Long story short, the laundry is here, the line is still
intact, and I didn't have to call the fire department! Oh, sure, I lost about half a dozen
clothespins, but what can I do? At least I have my fresh, sunshine-smelling sheets inside, and not
permanently stuck out on the line!!!!
Anyway, thought someone might get a kick out of a funny story.
OB FOOD: Meatloaf and mashed potatoes for dinner, using the meatloaf recipe I posted last week.
I have about 5 sets of sheets for my bed. It's nice because I can change the sheets without having
to wash them right away. The weather hasn't been nice enough to hang sheets out in quite awhile, so
I've had a big bag of sheets and pillowcases begging to be washed (I don't have a dryer). My plan
for today was to wash them at home and then bring them to the laundromat to use their dryer. But
when I woke up, I realized it was going to be a nice windy, sunny day and therefore, perfect to hang
the sheets out!
I washed 2 sets in the machine and hung them out this morning, making certain each item had 3-4
clothespin on it, so they wouldn't come off the line and land on the grass below.
About 3pm, I went out back to check on them, and discovered the wind had wound the sheets around the
lines, which were now tangled and couldn't be moved!!!!
I tried a few things, no avail, then went out to run errands.
When I got home, my landlady came out and said "You didn't use your brains!....on a windy day, you
don't put the clothespin on the sheets, because this is what happens". Whatever. I thought I was
doing the right thing by clipping them so securely to the line. I went upstairs, (i'm on the second
floor) and thought seriously about calling the fire department to see if they could come over with
their cherry-picker to unclip the stuff from the line and rescue my laundry. I mean, it's not that
far off from rescuing a cat up a tree, is it?
Then I started shaking the lines, hoping the movement would knock some of the clothes pins off,
therefore making it easier to get the laundry to unwind back around the other way. One did pop off,
which gave me hope.
Well, anyway, at this point, the landlady is on her porch, below mine, looking up at me, not
offering anything constructive ("Don't break the lines...I'm not paying to have someone come and put
them back up!"), and even Mandy had pounced onto the bedroom window, watching this spectacle from
inside the warm apartment.
Understand, this was hysterically funny, even though it was kinda pathetic!
I managed to tug good and hard on the line to bring the first pillow case close enough to tug it off
the line. The clothespins popped off (broken, of course) and that freed up another foot of line. I
tugged some more, and brought the laundry closer. Each time somethign came off the line, the lines
got more untangled and easier to budge. Long story short, the laundry is here, the line is still
intact, and I didn't have to call the fire department! Oh, sure, I lost about half a dozen
clothespins, but what can I do? At least I have my fresh, sunshine-smelling sheets inside, and not
permanently stuck out on the line!!!!
Anyway, thought someone might get a kick out of a funny story.
OB FOOD: Meatloaf and mashed potatoes for dinner, using the meatloaf recipe I posted last week.