Official website for Cal Tour?


Chris M

Looking at the route it resembles some of the opening stages of the 85
and 86 Coors Classic races.
> Looking at the route it resembles some of the opening stages of the 85
> and 86 Coors Classic races.

I had serious reservations they'd pull this thing off, but dang, it's going
well, they're getting crowds... I never had much hope for a major stage race
in the US... until now. Still, it seems a bit arrogant to talk about a brand
new race being the premiere US stage race, either ignoring the Tour of
Georgia or at least relegating it instantly to 2nd place. Let's get through
the next few days and then we can talk.

--Mike Jacoubowsky
Chain Reaction Bicycles
Redwood City & Los Altos, CA USA
In article <[email protected]>,
[email protected] says...
>it seems a bit arrogant to talk about a brand
>new race being the premiere US stage race, either ignoring the Tour of
>Georgia or at least relegating it instantly to 2nd place. Let's get through
>the next few days and then we can talk.

I'm sure they meant premiere US stage race on the west coast. :)