ntiseize anything other than splines?



So...I see this can of antisize is gonna last me a very long time.

A VERY long time.

Do you antiseize anything else?

What is your deciding factor when deciding on to antiseize, or to

Sofa - You Tu Tu Tuni?

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size made' - chirokid's response to 20" or 24"?

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Yup, a little jar of anti-seize will be a lifetime supply for the
average home mechanic. Unfortunately the stuff will go bad long before

I use anti-seize on things that get squeezed very tightly. Generally
that means splines and the crank bolts on splined cranks. The exception
is the crank nut on hubs with outie threads (like the Suzue). The crank
nut gets Loctite to keep it from backing off and getting loose. The
Loctite also lubricates the threads during assembly so the nut can be
torqued down reliably.

Loctite goes on threads that I don't want backing off and getting

As a general rule no threads should be assembled dry. They should be
either greased, anti-seized, or Loctited. Dry threads can't be torqued
down reliably and they can become stuck. Torquing down dry threads very
tightly can damage the threads.

Things like pedal threads get greased before assembly. No need to use
anti-seize there. Don't use anti-seize in place of bearing grease in
pedals or other bearings. Anti-seize is not a bearing grease and is

Things like the cinch bolt on a seatpost clamp get either anti-seize or
grease. It just depends on how I'm feeling at the time and whether I
have the grease or the anti-seize handy.

With the Profile crank tool, Profile supplies a warning that the threads
of the crank tool need to be anti-seized before threading in the crank
tool and banging on it. The Profile warranty won't cover damage due to
threading on the crank tool with dry threads and then banging on it with
a hammer.

john_childs - Guinness Mojo

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Well, J_C, as usual, you've covered just about everything!


Sofa - You Tu Tu Tuni?

'It really doesn't matter, because in a few years, you will have every
size made' - chirokid's response to 20" or 24"?

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Sofa wrote: "Antiseize anything other than splines?"

I use anti-seize on ALL the screw in light bulbs in my house and office.

It prevents those dreaded twist offs, where the metal part of the bulb
"seizes" to the lamp and becomes almost impossibe to get out.
Anti-seize prevents this problem. --chirokid--

chirokid - Bug Killing Unicyclist

"Other than that, the best maintenance is to keep riding it as this
helps to keep the eccentric nut on the saddle in optimal condition."
quote by Mikefule

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chirokid wrote:
> *
> I use anti-seize on ALL the screw in light bulbs in my house and
> office.
> *


Sofa - You Tu Tu Tuni?

'It really doesn't matter, because in a few years, you will have every
size made' - chirokid's response to 20" or 24"?

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Cover your unicycle in anti-seize during trips into the store to prevent

U-Turn - Member of Generation XO

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I like to use it when I make sandwitches a bit of antiseize on a turkey
sub yum yum.

Checkernuts - Me Fail English? That's Unpossible

No one said it was gonna be easy and I'm not afraid to try, with the
odds stacked up against me I will have to fight, One Life One Wheel got
to do it right. H20
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Sorry to change the topic, but wow you must have strange lightbulbs over
there. What's this 'twist off' business?


andrew_carter - www.unicycles.com.au

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I'll show you mine if you show me yours!

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Sofa - You Tu Tu Tuni?

'It really doesn't matter, because in a few years, you will have every
size made' - chirokid's response to 20" or 24"?

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It has two little bits that fit into grooves. You push it in (it's
spring loaded or something) and then twist it.


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andrew_carter - www.unicycles.com.au

andrew_carter (at) mail (dot) com
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[image: http://diytools.co.uk/diy/Images/DB_Detail/478502.jpg]
andrew_carter wrote:
> *It has two little bits that fit into grooves. You push it in (it's
> spring loaded or something) and then twist it.*

Bayonet lightbulbs twist off too. I've heard of people breaking them
while trying to get them out (maybe anti-seize could have prevented
it). The idea I heard was to make sure the light is switched off, then
chop a potato in half and stick that into the broken glass that is left,
and use the potato to unscrew the rest of the bulb from the socket.

Rowan - _________

[image: http://www.addis-welt.de/smilie/smilie/waffe/1043691690_0.gif]
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with the light shut off (and the breakers off for backup), I just twist
it out with pliers.

odd how pliers are more abundant than potatoes at my place.

Sofa - You Tu Tu Tuni?

'It really doesn't matter, because in a few years, you will have every
size made' - chirokid's response to 20" or 24"?

'Unicycle Product Reviews' (http://tinyurl.com/368h6) *107* reviews on
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the problem we encounter with our lightbulbs (not too often...once every
few years?), is when you go to unscrew them, sometimes you just unscrew
the bulb from the still-attached-to-the-ceiling-silver-part with the
threads in it.

Of course, the bulb is still attached to the threaded part by the wire,
making you have to pull it out, if you were to go with the potatoe
idea...and pulling on an already piece of broken glass causes little
pieces to fly out.

I think I like Australian light bulbs

Sofa - You Tu Tu Tuni?

'It really doesn't matter, because in a few years, you will have every
size made' - chirokid's response to 20" or 24"?

'Unicycle Product Reviews' (http://tinyurl.com/368h6) *107* reviews on
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'London Unicycling Club Website ' (http://www.brianmackenzie.com/LUC/)
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