First of all, you have it incorrect, it's LMAO, unless of course you modified for the purpose of taking some "shot" at me.
Second of all, if you'll notice, I didn't offer an opinion at all regarding your post on the addition of new wheels. my "laughter" was in response to Boudreaux's post, and if I were you, I wouldn't assume the laughter was directed at you in any way. (I get the impression you do).
Third, I just changed wheels myself. I went from Ksyrium Equipes to Velomax Circuits. After approximately 100 miles I can't say that I noticed that much difference. Theoretically, the Circuits are 200 grams or so lighter, but if it made a difference in the speed of the bike, it was small enough that I didn't really feel it. I DO think, to a slight extent, that it rides smoother over the bumps, perhaps a little more vertical compliance. I wouldn't take that too mean a less stiff wheel laterally however, I didn't perceive any decrease in that.
The BIGGEST, and very pleasing, difference is the lack of sound from the rear hub while freewheeling, it's nearly silent when compared with the Equipe. Although it wasn't the basis for switching wheelsets, it's probably the reason I would choose to do it again if presented with the same opportunity.
Aside from that they "look" better in my opinion on my Allez, they're red/white which matches the color scheme from the bike.
One thing I didn't notice in your original post, was whether you thought the change was better or worse. As I read it, I just understood that you could tell a difference...good or bad?