Right, I'm thinking of sorting myself out a new uni for road use -
building the bits up from the components myself primarily as I've always
fancied building a wheel and this seems like an ideal way to learn how
The obvious choice is to build something on a 700c rim and probably use
the Unicycle.com wide cromo hub. The only worry I have about this
whether I'll spend my time wishing I'd gone for a coker instead.
I've read some of the threads about 29" versus cokers and just wondering
whether anyone had an opinion on:
a) building your own unicycle(will buy a frame as I can't weld) and
whether it was a good experience.
b) Will I still want to move up to a coker due to being dissappointed by
the 29" - I don't want to go crazy on the cash so I'm looking at doing
the whole thing at a reasonble cost.
As an asside I know that I could buy a coker rim and lace that myself
but buying the coker frame hubs etc would make that rather expensive
All thoughts welcome
roland's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/5937
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/31611
building the bits up from the components myself primarily as I've always
fancied building a wheel and this seems like an ideal way to learn how
The obvious choice is to build something on a 700c rim and probably use
the Unicycle.com wide cromo hub. The only worry I have about this
whether I'll spend my time wishing I'd gone for a coker instead.
I've read some of the threads about 29" versus cokers and just wondering
whether anyone had an opinion on:
a) building your own unicycle(will buy a frame as I can't weld) and
whether it was a good experience.
b) Will I still want to move up to a coker due to being dissappointed by
the 29" - I don't want to go crazy on the cash so I'm looking at doing
the whole thing at a reasonble cost.
As an asside I know that I could buy a coker rim and lace that myself
but buying the coker frame hubs etc would make that rather expensive
All thoughts welcome
roland's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/5937
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/31611