I just bought a new cromo seatpost from Unicycle.com, as my last one
broke at last. They are pretty damn good, don't get me wrong... But I
have been waiting for the news of a new model seatpost, however to my
surprise there has been no information on these forums about any new
products recently.
This thread may seem pointless, but there must be somebody in the know
who can confirm whether there is a new product shipping soon? And they
can fill us in with some details, as I am unsure whether I will be able
to get myself a new seatpost before unicon (else I will keep my cromo
post till it is shipped)
Usually before a product hits the unicycle shops it is announced on
here a few days/weeks before, and as there is a new shipment of
unicycle parts due here sometime around june/july I would expect at
least a whisper.
Or maybe my "speculation" of a new arrival to the market is a little
my videos: 'muzzle!videos' (http://www.muzzle.co.nr/unicycle/)
sponsored by: 'UDC (NZ)' (http://www.unicycle.co.nz)
muzzle's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/11458
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/70737
Posted Via Usenet.com Premium Usenet Newsgroup Services
broke at last. They are pretty damn good, don't get me wrong... But I
have been waiting for the news of a new model seatpost, however to my
surprise there has been no information on these forums about any new
products recently.
This thread may seem pointless, but there must be somebody in the know
who can confirm whether there is a new product shipping soon? And they
can fill us in with some details, as I am unsure whether I will be able
to get myself a new seatpost before unicon (else I will keep my cromo
post till it is shipped)
Usually before a product hits the unicycle shops it is announced on
here a few days/weeks before, and as there is a new shipment of
unicycle parts due here sometime around june/july I would expect at
least a whisper.
Or maybe my "speculation" of a new arrival to the market is a little
my videos: 'muzzle!videos' (http://www.muzzle.co.nr/unicycle/)
sponsored by: 'UDC (NZ)' (http://www.unicycle.co.nz)
muzzle's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/11458
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/70737
Posted Via Usenet.com Premium Usenet Newsgroup Services