weeble wrote:
> * It apparently relies on a gyroscope for steering control, so a gyro
> failure at highway speed could result in a pretty spectacular UPD (the
> D being Destruction, Disaster, Devastation)... *
When the Bombadeer uni came out I had a long converstation with an
Italian engineer friend of mine who specializes in reliability and safey
engineering. (He's also an accomplished motorcycle affectionado and was
a mechanic in the rally circuits.)
We both agreed that any form of high-speed motorized/gyro stabilized
unicycle would requre all the fault-tolerance tricks of the trade (low
failure rate parts, high redundancy, mechanic certification, maintenance
logs, system certifications, etc) used in aerospace and nuclear
I was surprised to hear that these things were already required on high
performance road motorcycles. Apparently if the engine or brake
controls fritz out on any modern crotch rocket you're in for a world of
hurt. That said, I do think the single-wheel machines are more
dangerous. The contact patch is a single-point failure that no amount
of engineering will fix. Hit a bump wrong and you're toast.
cyberbellum - Level 1.0 rider!
Optimists think the glass is half full. Pesimists think the glass is
half empty. Engineers think the glass is too big.
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