Hey, so on July 1st I'll be going to Lynn Woods for a muni ride.
Heres a video of the area http://tinyurl.com/3hajte
I'll be there at 12 noon ish. Post here so I'm not like woah WTF are
you?? . I'd really like to ride with some people so yeah. If you have
multiple muni's bring em, I only have a 20 inch Quax. . So yeah,
come join my fun!
July 1st, 12 noon.
P.S. Coneticut, NH, vermont, etc, All welcome.
P.P.S. I decided all those planning threads never really work out.
(http://www.sixsixone.com/)'' (http://www.sixsixone.com/)
vanpaun's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/15704
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/70951
Posted Via Usenet.com Premium Usenet Newsgroup Services
Heres a video of the area http://tinyurl.com/3hajte
I'll be there at 12 noon ish. Post here so I'm not like woah WTF are
you?? . I'd really like to ride with some people so yeah. If you have
multiple muni's bring em, I only have a 20 inch Quax. . So yeah,
come join my fun!
July 1st, 12 noon.
P.S. Coneticut, NH, vermont, etc, All welcome.
P.P.S. I decided all those planning threads never really work out.
(http://www.sixsixone.com/)'' (http://www.sixsixone.com/)
vanpaun's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/15704
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/70951
Posted Via Usenet.com Premium Usenet Newsgroup Services