New club shirt design



We've always felt that our club shirts were rather "blah". So we
decided to spice them up a bit. Here's what we've come up with.
Hopefully we'll have them in time for Regionals.


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yoopers - Bruce & Mary Edwards
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Clean up in isle 4; looks like another hippie puked

* no offence to actual hippies

Checkernuts - Me Fail English? That's Unpossible

No one said it was gonna be easy and I'm not afraid to try, with the
odds stacked up against me I will have to fight, One Life One Wheel got
to do it right. H20

My circus train pulls throught the night, full of lions and trapize
artists, I'm done with elephants and clowns, I want to runaway and join
the office.
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If it makes a difference, we do so many patriotic-themed parades that we
were looking for something in a red-white-blue motif. This particular
design is called Stars-n-Stripes. Sort of resembles an American flag, I

Here's the originating website with a variety of tye-dye shirts:


yoopers - Bruce & Mary Edwards
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I like the new design. We are in the market for new performance shirts as well.

Would we be stealing your idea using a different pattern?
We won't be at regionals and we wouldn't be using these shirts at NAUCC this
year either.
Will we see you in Utah? I'm bringing the cookbooks. How many do you want?
unicyclenews at aol dot com
Barb K.
Those shirts are nice in that the pattern goes all the way around. For
large performances however, they will tend to look blobby from a
distance. For things like parades and big shows, large, solid blocks of
color will read much better.

In the Redford Township Unicycle Club our primary colors were red and
white, but the third color was always blue. This worked for pretty much
every situation, except of course St. Patricks Day. Then we stood out!

johnfoss - Walkin' on the edge

John Foss, the Uni-Cyclone
"jfoss" at ""

"Hey, could I have some of that spinach? I need to get this pork rind
taste out of my mouth." -- Ryan Atkins to Kris Holm, on the way back
from Moab after sampling some of my pork rinds. They grossed out the
whole van!
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Barb wrote:
> *Bruce,
> I like the new design. We are in the market for new performance shirts
> as well.
> Would we be stealing your idea using a different pattern?
> We won't be at regionals and we wouldn't be using these shirts at
> NAUCC this
> year either.
> Will we see you in Utah? I'm bringing the cookbooks. How many do you
> want?
> unicyclenews at aol dot com
> Barb K.
> *


Steal away! No problem there.

At this point, we will not make Utah. Shame too because we've come to
look at the conventions as more of a family reunion than anything else.
We sure are going to miss it and especially all of you.


yoopers - Bruce & Mary Edwards
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We will all miss you this summer. This will probably be my last event. My kids
are moving or have moved on to other things.
I know what you mean about it being a family reunion. We go to these events
instead of family reunions. We make up our own large family when go too. We
have about 18 riders going this year. Imagine going on vacation with 16 of your
kids' friends' familes.

Barb K.