Multiple Blinkers


New Member
Aug 7, 2003
I'm looking for advise as to what colored blinkers are best seen in weather with reduced visibility. For years, I've used one white and one red blinker on my single road bike and worked well, with the ocassional close call. When I set up my tandem for night riding, I have one white and one yellow blinker on the front and a red, blue and green blinker on the rear. I felt that this gave the approaching driver the impression that he was approaching an emergency vehicle. This lights can easily been seen from two miles away and when riding the tandem 98% of the vehicles DO SLOW DOWN!!!

I'm looking for advise as to setting up my new touring bike, with front and rear panniers. I'm placing 3 on the front and three on the rear. They'll be on the handlebar bag, trunk bag and on each pannier.

Would it be better to place three white and three red or one white and one red with yellows on the panniers for foul weather?
Ya, id say youve got it made for blinkers. i have 2 red ones on the back rack of my bike, and 1 white LED light on the handlbars. It works well enough for me, and I commmute to work in the morning while its dark and home when its dark at night.

steve Fox
You got plenty of blinkers. Add bright clothing and then ride like you are invisible.
With all those blinkers I'd say you should give a friendly nod while making eye contact.
You are a rolling light show - take a bow!
The blinkers that I use on my bike on made by Lightman. There a little hard to find. I get mine through a rescue equipment distibutor but they can be found through other companies by googling. They are Xenon bulbs and operate on 2-AA batteries.

The single has one on the handlebar bag (clear), trunk bag (red) and one on each pannier (amber). By looking closely and maybe enlarging the photo, the tandem has a clear and amber on the front, one amber on each side under the stoker's seat, one on the trunk bag (red), one on each pannier (blue and green), one on the side hitch arm of the trailer (amber) and one red one on the rear of the trailer. Being that it's a recumbent with a trailer, it low to the ground and 13ft long. I want to be seen way ahead of time while we're on the road late into the evening. Sometimes from dinner to our campground, but mostly because sightsee all day so we're rolling into camp usually after the sun goes down and on hot days, we're normally on the road by 6:00am.

I wish I knew how to attach or link .avi files to this site. I can only send them as attachments through emailing.