Mike Kowal - Who Is He? Where Is He?



I just bought an audax/touring bike with a frame with Mike Kowal decals
on it. The frame tubing is Columbus nivachrome "Zona" -- assymetric
butted tubing, Nice small lugs. Very comfortable geometry. The lug
welds are very clean and the paint is high-quality.
My question is, Who is Mike Kowal? Where is the frame made? Thanks for
all info-- david @ dlevine dot net
Davy <[email protected]> wrote:
>welds are very clean and the paint is high-quality.
>My question is, Who is Mike Kowal? Where is the frame made? Thanks for
>all info-- david @ dlevine dot net

Columbus are Italian and manufacture frames for a number of people including
Tifosi - http://www.columbustubi.com/

According to Google, Mike Kowal is a Senior VP at Radioshack. But I imagine
that's a different Mike Kowal.......

Davy wrote:
> I just bought an audax/touring bike with a frame with Mike Kowal decals
> on it. The frame tubing is Columbus nivachrome "Zona" -- assymetric
> butted tubing, Nice small lugs. Very comfortable geometry. The lug
> welds are very clean and the paint is high-quality.
> My question is, Who is Mike Kowal? Where is the frame made? Thanks for
> all info-- david @ dlevine dot net

Might have been the former owner.
"Dave Chadderton" <[email protected]> of Pipex wrote:

>Don't know about Mike Kowal but there is a Manchester frame builder called
>Malc Cowle try http://www.withingtoncycles.co.uk/malc_cowle.php

And I have one of his frames for my very very small touring bike, and very
nice it is too.

I didn't understand this at first, but YOUR CONVINCING USE OF CAPITAL LETTERS
Steph Peters delete invalid from [email protected]lid
Tatting, lace & stitching page <http://www.sandbenders.demon.co.uk/index.htm>
"Dave Chadderton" <[email protected]> of Pipex wrote:

>Don't know about Mike Kowal but there is a Manchester frame builder called
>Malc Cowle try http://www.withingtoncycles.co.uk/malc_cowle.php

And I have one of his frames for my very very small touring bike, and very
nice it is too.

I didn't understand this at first, but YOUR CONVINCING USE OF CAPITAL LETTERS
Steph Peters delete invalid from [email protected]lid
Tatting, lace & stitching page <http://www.sandbenders.demon.co.uk/index.htm>
Davy wrote:
> I just bought an audax/touring bike with a frame with Mike Kowal
> decals on it. The frame tubing is Columbus nivachrome "Zona" --
> assymetric butted tubing, Nice small lugs. Very comfortable geometry.
> The lug welds are very clean and the paint is high-quality.
> My question is, Who is Mike Kowal? Where is the frame made? Thanks for
> all info-- david @ dlevine dot net

I've got a vague recollection of a 'melican Someone on one of the IHPVA
mailing lists having a Kowal tandem, which leads me to suspect that it may
have originated in Leftpondia...


Dave Larrington - http://www.legslarry.beerdrinkers.co.uk/
World Domination?
Just find a world that's into that kind of thing, then chain to the
floor and walk up and down on it in high heels. (Mr. Sunshine)