MEL: Thurs night training ride


New Member
Aug 2, 2006
Hi all,

Was going through Kew last night at about 7, and came across a decently-sized group (about 50 riders) heading along Harp Rd, turning into Doncaster Rd and shimmying along quite nicely towards Doncaster.

Does anyone know whether this is a regular Thursday night ride, and if so, what the ride details are?

Cheers in advance. :)
RobM said:
Does anyone know whether this is a regular Thursday night ride, and if so, what the ride details are?
Cheers in advance. :)

hmmm from memory probably the "Alpine Tour De Suburbs", very fun ride, done it a couple of times, they have regular catch up points, which was good, because I had no idea where the hell I was going, was just following people.

Timing would probably be about right, I think.