Mattilda's Incomplete Bio And How Pastorio and Steve The Trolls Love Him

One Small M_un Step wrote:

> Let's not forget that Mattilda has conveniently left off his TROLLING from his bio,
> Or that Pastorio and Steve, the Bobsie TROLLS, always completely agree with him whenever they
> TROLL and especially when they are deluding poor Dr. Nagler into, uh, delusions.
> lol

Isn't is lovely having Mu_squash back among the living? Such an honest person, filled with the milk
of human kindness and only concerned with the welfare of others.

Oh, and trolling, of course. I, for one, am glad he's back. It was getting dull around here with
Chung's sockpuppets having to carry the load. Chung's fingers must have been exhausted with all the
typing and his socks write like English is their sixth language. Lucky thing he seems to have so few
patients and can spare the time. Perhaps that's why he advertises so hard online.

Every little bit helps, I guess.

On Thu, 01 Jan 2004 19:48:31 -0500, One Small M_un Step
<[email protected]> wrote:

>Let's not forget that Mattilda has conveniently left off his TROLLING from his bio,

Of course it's not in the bio. I do realize that it is impossible for a mental midget to see why
that is. <gg> Hint: Mattilda??? <ggg>

It would seem that **** Chung (aka detective) has it completely wrong in his detective work. But go
ahead with your fantasy anyway, you seem to need it. Matt