One Small M_un
Let's not forget that Mattilda has conveniently left off his TROLLING from his bio,
Or that Pastorio and Steve, the Bobsie TROLLS, always completely agree with him whenever they TROLL
and especially when they are deluding poor Dr. Nagler into, uh, delusions.
http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap950921.html Lift well, Eat less, Walk fast, Live long.
Let's not forget that Mattilda has conveniently left off his TROLLING from his bio,
Or that Pastorio and Steve, the Bobsie TROLLS, always completely agree with him whenever they TROLL
and especially when they are deluding poor Dr. Nagler into, uh, delusions.
http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap950921.html Lift well, Eat less, Walk fast, Live long.