I'm new to unicycling and LOVE it! I started on a 20" Miyata that I
picked up used for $30 and within a month was freemounting, turning, and
going for short rides around the neighborhood! And then I broke the
seat in half! I tried to order a new base from unicycle.com, but mine
is a different size completely, so it looks like I'm going to need a new
seat for it and will probably get a Schwinn style seat post to allow for
more options. I had NO problems with comfort on that seat, although I
never rode for more than 1/4 mile at a time on it.
I also just purchased a United 26" for $49, but the seat is awful.
Let's put it this way, ALL of my weight rests on my twigs and berries
when riding it, so the only manageable technique is to squeeze the seat
between my legs and ride with almost no weight on the seat. This
obviously doesn't work very well and more than once have I felt pain
between my legs that my future children are complaining about
6'1" and 200lbs and not sure if that affects the seat choice at all?
Looking at unicycle.com, it seems that I have two decent options for the
replacement of my two seats: 1) Viscount for $24 or 2) Kris Holm for
$48. What should I do? Keep in mind that if I bought 2 Kris Holm
saddles and a seat post (to convert the Miyata), I would have spent more
on seats than I did on the two unicycles! Maybe that's the thing to do,
but maybe not? I suppose I could get a Viscount, try it out and maybe
return it, but with shipping, it might end up being as expensive as the
Kris Holm!? I'm looking forward to your answers,
Pat in Boulder, CO
yogibear's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/6361
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/32114
picked up used for $30 and within a month was freemounting, turning, and
going for short rides around the neighborhood! And then I broke the
seat in half! I tried to order a new base from unicycle.com, but mine
is a different size completely, so it looks like I'm going to need a new
seat for it and will probably get a Schwinn style seat post to allow for
more options. I had NO problems with comfort on that seat, although I
never rode for more than 1/4 mile at a time on it.
I also just purchased a United 26" for $49, but the seat is awful.
Let's put it this way, ALL of my weight rests on my twigs and berries
when riding it, so the only manageable technique is to squeeze the seat
between my legs and ride with almost no weight on the seat. This
obviously doesn't work very well and more than once have I felt pain
between my legs that my future children are complaining about
6'1" and 200lbs and not sure if that affects the seat choice at all?
Looking at unicycle.com, it seems that I have two decent options for the
replacement of my two seats: 1) Viscount for $24 or 2) Kris Holm for
$48. What should I do? Keep in mind that if I bought 2 Kris Holm
saddles and a seat post (to convert the Miyata), I would have spent more
on seats than I did on the two unicycles! Maybe that's the thing to do,
but maybe not? I suppose I could get a Viscount, try it out and maybe
return it, but with shipping, it might end up being as expensive as the
Kris Holm!? I'm looking forward to your answers,
Pat in Boulder, CO
yogibear's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/6361
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/32114