Whats with all the amateur hour battery maintenance advice floating around? Its like people think lead-acid batteries are invincible or something. Newsflash: theyre not.
Can anyone actually explain the correct procedure for equalizing lead-acid batteries? Not just some half-baked, anecdotal nonsense about just charge em up every now and then and theyll be fine. No, I want to know the real deal. Whats the actual science behind it? How often should it be done? What are the consequences of not doing it correctly?
And while were at it, whats the difference between a maintenance charge and an equalization charge? Are they interchangeable terms or are people just throwing them around like they know what theyre talking about?
And dont even get me started on the so-called experts who claim that lead-acid batteries dont need maintenance anymore. Like, what, did they just magically become self-sustaining or something? Give me a break.
Ive seen road cyclists who can barely change a tire trying to give battery maintenance advice. Its like they think theyre above getting their hands dirty with something as mundane as battery maintenance. Well, let me tell you, those batteries arent going to maintain themselves. So, can someone please shed some light on the subject and give me some actual, usable information?
Oh, and one more thing: whats the deal with all the conflicting information out there? Its like every expert has their own opinion on how to maintain lead-acid batteries. Cant we all just get on the same page for once?
Can anyone actually explain the correct procedure for equalizing lead-acid batteries? Not just some half-baked, anecdotal nonsense about just charge em up every now and then and theyll be fine. No, I want to know the real deal. Whats the actual science behind it? How often should it be done? What are the consequences of not doing it correctly?
And while were at it, whats the difference between a maintenance charge and an equalization charge? Are they interchangeable terms or are people just throwing them around like they know what theyre talking about?
And dont even get me started on the so-called experts who claim that lead-acid batteries dont need maintenance anymore. Like, what, did they just magically become self-sustaining or something? Give me a break.
Ive seen road cyclists who can barely change a tire trying to give battery maintenance advice. Its like they think theyre above getting their hands dirty with something as mundane as battery maintenance. Well, let me tell you, those batteries arent going to maintain themselves. So, can someone please shed some light on the subject and give me some actual, usable information?
Oh, and one more thing: whats the deal with all the conflicting information out there? Its like every expert has their own opinion on how to maintain lead-acid batteries. Cant we all just get on the same page for once?