KH sound



Today I had a short ride with my KH24, first I got a clicking sound, I
tried tightening the crank but it didn't help. After a while I got a
loud scraping sound. This scraping sound I could here if I held the uni
up in the air and rotated the wheel, I guessed it was something with the
bearings and carried the uni back home :(. After a bit of rest the
scraping sound was gone. And I am now left with just the clicking sound,
what could it be. Is the thing with the bearings something I should do
something with, or just let it be.

I have been thinking about the possibility of spokes, how do I check

Is it possible to overtighten the cranks?

rusty's Profile:
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The KH & Summit wheelsets seem to be prone to noise.

First culprit is spoke tension. On a trip down to jagur-land the
jagur-miester tensioned the spokes and that problem went away.

The next culprit is the cranks. They started squeaking soon there-after.
Tightening alone didn't solve the noise. I pulled the cranks and
re-installed with anti-sieze. Problem solved.

The scraping sound could be from the large, thin, disc-shaped spacer.
This spacer is basically a dust cap covering the bearing holders. It
rotates with the axle so if it has been bent at all it may scrape
against the bearing holder part of the frame.

As for the remaining clicking sound, I don't know. You can check the
bearing holders to see if they are over tightened. I have also had
clicking develop in the pedal of my Torker DX, that is the same type of
pedal as came with my Summit. It resolved by itself.

UniBrier - Its Time to Ride

Steve De Cuckoo

The Roadrunner or Ground Cuckoo can run at speeds of up to 15 miles per
hour (24 km per hour). It rarely flies and does not migrate. When it is
in danger, it runs or crouches to hide.

The RoadUnier or Cuckoo Cokier can ride at speeds of up to 15 miles per
hour (24 km per hour). It rarely flies and does not migrate. When it is
in danger it UPDs and slides.

UniBrier's Profile:
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I had problems with a noises too, but on my MUni (not a KH).
It was the spokes.
It is really annoying when you hear a noise, but you dont know were it
is coming from! The worst is when I had a pebel stuck in the tread of
the tyre, and it hit against the frame on each rotation. It took me AGES
to find out were the noise was coming from!

I had some noise coming from my KH cranks, but a bit of grease on the
hub soon sorted that out! :)


joe - Who needs cranks anyways?

:cool: ** :cool:

'I like to show off in front of people not to show them what I can do,
but to show them what can be done on a unicycle' - Sofa

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You may want to check out this discussion from a while back:

About half-way down the second page, I posted a link to download a file,
which is an audio recording I made of the clicking/creaking problem I
had. Listen to it and compare it with the noise your's makes.
Anti-seize was the fix for me.

Good Luck,


dale.nichols - avid unicyclist

"It's kind of fun to do the impossible."

-Walt Disney

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I have a KH 24" Muni and have similar problems. When I first put my uni
together (only around 3 weeks ago) I had a scraping sound when the wheel
I must have been eating extra spinach or something that day, as the
reason for the scraping was my overtightening the bearing clamp bolts.
This caused the aluminium bearing cover to scrape on the bearing clamp
and to give the intermittent scraping noise.
Obviously, the way to fix this is to slacken off the clamp bolts then
re-tighten them until they just nip tight (ensuring that both cap-screws
are screwed in approximately equal amounts) and then to finally give
each about a quarter of a turn to lock them. After doing this I've not
had any scrape and, despite several off-road trips, the bolts have not
required re-tightening at all.
As regards other noises, I also have a 'click' noise. I hover left foot
down and almost since the first ride I've had a noise that seems to come
from the left side, but only when hovering (it either isn't there, or
goes unnoticed, during normal riding and hasn't yet appeared on the
right hand side). After much prodding and poking, the conclusion was
that it was definitely originating from the spline/crank area, but there
was no obvious movement or looseness when I tried to re-create the
problem by pushing and pulling on it by hand.
Being an obsessive engineer who is wary of damaging his beloved uni, I
stripped everything down as soon as I could, cleaned and oiled all
mating faces with WD-40 (don't know if this is a worldwide product name
- it's just a light oil in an aerosol can), then re-assembled
everything. This seemed to cure the problem and made me a happy man, but
unfortuantely the noise eventually returned.
I have discovered that if I gently tighten the crank clamp bolt (the big
one that you always hit your heel on), then gently tighten the pinch
bolt (the cap screw that clamps the crank around the hub splines) and
then alternate between tightening these two a little until everything is
absolutely tight, that this apparently solves the problem (or has done
so far anyway).
I didn't have any anti-sieze grease when I re-assembled my uni, or would
have used this on all screws/bolts/splines too. The use of anti-sieze
cured a similar problem on a friend's KH trials (these have the same
hub) and so, as I have now acquired some anti-sieze (thanks again
Roland), my job for tonight is to strip, clean, anti-sieze and
re-assemble The Beast in a final attempt to solve the problem for
I'm also a little wary of the fact that the black paint that the cranks
are coated with also covers the mating faces where the crank interfaces
with the bearing/spacer/clamp bolt. The action of tightening the bolt
soon causes some paint to flake off in this area, which must cause an
imbalance (even a very small one) in the clamping load on the whole
stack. I'm concerned that this might also be adding to the problem and
so intend to stone these surfaces clean of paint before finally

I'd be interested to hear if anyone else has any similar problems/fixes
as, as discussed in an earlier thread, it is bloody annoying to be
riding along and to hear a noise coming from your uni.


Gary.Kelsall - One of the BJC 2004 organisers
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Gary.Kelsall wrote:
> *I have a KH 24" Muni and have similar problems. When I first put my
> uni together (only around 3 weeks ago) I had a scraping sound when the
> wheel rotated.
> Gary *

Check the large bearing spacer. When the unis were assembled the
spacer was oriented so that the tapered side faced outwards. This made
the spacer VERY close to the bearing housing. If you hear a scraping
sound it's likely the spacer is touching the bearing housing.

Fixing this is easy- just flip the spacer around 180 degrees. This puts
the tapered side on the inside and shifts the widest part of the spacer
outwards slightly. This should solve the problem.



danger_uni - Kris Holm
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