[email protected] (drceephd) wrote in message news:<
[email protected]>...
> [email protected] (Michele) wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> > [email protected] (DRCEEPHD) wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> > > >Subject: Re: Juicing - Acid Reflux Help???
> > > >From: "Gymmy Bob" [email protected]
> > > >Date: 12/26/03 8:21 PM Eastern Standard Time
> > > >Message-id: <[email protected]>
> >
> > "Tendency to get it again" -- nope, it didn't go away. The s/s merely
> > diminished. The cardiac sphincter may or may not function as it
> > ideally should, but that's certainly quite different than a hiatal
> > hernia.
> >
> You clearly cannot distinquish cause and effect. The constant
> indigestion puts pressure upon the cardiac sphincter valve. The
> indigestion breeds toxemia and weaking of the valve. Result? The
> stomach gastric juice is allowed to contact the cells of the
> esophagus. In response, the cells change to survive and resemble
> stomach tissue. The individual then develops two stomachs...a pre
> stomach and the real stomach. This is the hiatal hernia.
Your misinformed definition of a hiatal hernia shows us your lack of
A&P background. Not surprising in light of the other BS you post
here..... Perhaps you should actually look up what a herniation of the
diaphragm is before making a jackass out of yourself. Cells do not
mutate from those of one bodily structure into another, dumbass.
> Michele must be a blonde ( my apologies to other blondes who have
> chosen to use thier brains.)
And you consistently show yourself to be quite clueless about most
subjects -- although your spelling of "their" in a sentence where you
claim someone else isn't using their brain is an amusing indication of
your stupidity.
> > You need to differentiate between the various kinds of arthritis --
> > osteoarthritis is a result of use over time -- not at all like
> > rheumatoid arthritis. And to classify tendonitis as an auto-immune
> > disease ignores the fact that repetitive stress & traumatic injuries
> > cause it.
> No I do not. In the beginning there were only 5 kinds of arthritis.
> Today there are still only 5 kinds of arthritis.
> All the billions of dollars going into arthritis research has resulted
> in one thing. Not the cause of arthritis. Not a "cure" for
> arthritis. What we have is that the rhumetologist can now diagonse
> 100 different forms of arthritis. BIG DEAL!!
I see -- you actually don't understand there are different types of
arthritis & not every one is an auto-immune disorder. There isn't
*one* cause of arthritis & your inability to realize that speaks
volumes about your ignorance WRT the condition. Your claim that
tendonitis is an auto-immune disease is laughable & only shows that
you don't understand the mechanisms which cause the problem. You need
to find a library or bookstore where you can remedy your lack of basic
health care knowledge -- there are no doubt some children's coloring
books that you could check out that would increase the miniscule scope
of your familiarity of the human body & its pathologies.
> > Part of these increases can be attributed to the spiraling cost of
> > malpractice insurance -- the legal gods know how to get some pretty
> > impressive money out of doctors, hospitals, & other health care
> > providers.
> I agree that malpractice insurance increases are an abomnation. Yet
> they are insuring a false theory of disease. What else could you
> expect?
Your theory of diseases is based on ideas that can't hold up under
examination. The invention of microscopes alone dug a hole & buried
most of your "there are no germs" nonsense.
> > The surgery consists of repairing the hernia -- much simpler.
> Are you really that stupid? The "much simpler" repairing of the
> hernia is the cutting out of the esophagus and pulling the stomach up
> above the diaphram.
Where did you glean this tidbit of misinformation?? The esophagus is
NOT "cut out" -- but it isn't surprising that you'd think such a thing
because your knowledge of the subject could be written on a postage
stamp, with plenty of room left blank.
> > Any activity where the muscles are contracting (the most effective way
> > to move lymphatic fluids through the lymphatic system) will do.
> Dumb and dumber. Clearly you have not read any of the published
> scientific literature published by those MDs who study the lymphatic
> sysem.
Skeletal muscle movement provides most of the impetus for the normal
movement of lymphatic fluid. Many of the lymphatic vessels are not
superficial, but deep within the muscles. You need to study a bit of
elementary A&P, Dr. Know-nothing.
> > As evidenced by lymphedema, localized impairment of lymphatic fluid
> > movement does not cause death in 24 hours. The only time the entire
> > lymphatic system would stop would be if the person died -- not vice
> > versa.
> Dumb, dummer, and dummest.
> Even the American Indian knew how to do this. The Indian would give
> away all his personal possessions. He would then go out to the burial
> grounds and proceed to do what is necessary to stop the flow of lymph.
> He would then die, and his relatives would come an bury him the next
> day.
> Prisoners of war have done the same thing when imprisoned to shorten
> their misery.
Such swill -- "proceed to do what is necessary to stop the flow of
lymph" -- idiot, that's impossible unless the person is actually dead.
If the person kills themselves, of course the lymphatic fluid stops
-- along with the circulation of the blood, the beating of the heart,
the exchange of O2 & nutrients for cellular waste. Telling lies about
Native American practice & POW's in a pathetic attempt to embellish
your misinformed parody of knowledge is completely disgusting & you
should be ashamed of yourself.
> > Michele
> > I ENJOY being a cranky *****.
> You are not only cranky but an ignorant, misinformed *****.
> DrC PhD.
Better you should spend some time learning the basics of A&P,
pharmacology, surgical procedures, & pathology instead of displaying
your stunning lack of intelligence & education as you continue to do
time & time again. Your "PhD." needs to be in quotation marks,
because it is just as fictitious as the drivel you present in lieu of
facts. You proudly wear your idiocy like a shiny badge -- instead of
realizing it's a label that identifies you as a misinformed simpleton
extraordinaire. No doubt you will continue to do so.
I ENJOY being a cranky *****.