John Foltz and CK Slowdio, an analysis


Johnny NoCom

What irks the cycling body as a whole is FALSE information based on pure
exaggerated claims regarding outrageous speed attained by mere mortals.

Matter at point: When was the last time you heard a sprint rider brag
about 46.5 mph "cruising?" CK Slowdio does it all the time????

Matter at point: "I passed Frankie Andreu" on the Hilly Hundred.
Blazingpedals, John Foltz assumes this will impress others with his
athletic prowless. This deed conducted on a cycling Fall Invitational
with families and children is about as ludricous as bragging about how
Sam Whittingham goes 83 mph on a bicycle compared to 12 mph beach going

Matter at point: "We bents are going to beat up the pacelines of roadies
on the AVITA Black Bear Boat event." Totally a waste of time as Ck
SLOWDIO AND Blazingpedals John Foltz was handily passed by a bunch of
upright cyclists on purportedly slower bikes? These two can't seem to
grasp the idea of healthy competiton but rather state blanket statements
that can't be substantiated.

We are all cyclists from every facet imaginable and frankly bragging
about anything is senseless in the manner these two have chosen, it
certainly doesn't impress me nor do I see any POINT in their bravado.

I've always known that when you think you've won an event, enjoy it as
victory is inevitably short lived as there is always someone faster,
smarter, and can crank better than you.......Those two should exercise
some degree of humility once in a while.

I for one, and other "denizens" from Monkey Island DO NOT brag about
personal achievement as it's not necessary when we KNOW WE'VE already

Johnny [email protected]