Jan. SC & GA riding?

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Carol Cohen

I and my Toureasy will be driving down to FL in January and since I'm driving solo, I will take
several extra days to get there, with stops on the way down and up.

Maybe 2-hour maximum, cool-weather rides? Anybody in coastal or flat SC and GA interested in meeting
me for a short bent ride, to introduce me to your area? I give great a.r.b.r. write-ups!

It all depends on the weather, though -- has to be at least 50 degrees and dry. Let me know. I'm
cheerful and not a competitive biker (i.e., I'm slo-o-ow).

And also, if you can't make it, want to recommend rides and websites for SC and GA biking?

C.C.,Rider 2000 Toureasy
Hi Carol. I ride a VRex in Columbia, SC. However, Charleston is a wonderful, historic city, and I
suggest that you try to hook with someone down there. The local club addy is
www.coastalcyclists.com. Savannah is right off I-95, and is another great place to ride. Click on
"links" at Coastal Cyclists website for addys on all the clubs in the area. So please enjoy our fine
state, and try some of the local coastal cusine, ya hear.
Hey there, Steve, thanks for the advice! Now I'm already finding various trails & maps on the
internet and am still looking for recumbent bikers in the area. Having once flown to Charleston one
November and driven all the way out to Hunting Island State Park, then down to Savannah, I know how
wonderful it is. Plus, seeing parts of Byeewwwwfurt in Forrest Gump.

As for the coastal cuisine, shrimp makes great pedaling fuel! And a lot quieter than our local
specialty, Boston baked beans.


[q1]> From: [email protected] (Steve in SC) Organization: http://groups.google.com/ Newsgroups:[/q1]
[q1]> alt.rec.bicycles.recumbent Date: 27 Dec 2002 13:25:09 -0800 Subject: Re: Jan. SC & GA riding?[/q1]
[q1]> Hi Carol. I ride a VRex in Columbia, SC. However, Charleston is a wonderful, historic city, and I[/q1]
[q1]> suggest that you try to hook with someone down there. The local club addy is[/q1]
[q1]> www.coastalcyclists.com. Savannah is right off I-95, and is another great place to ride. Click on[/q1]
[q1]> "links" at Coastal Cyclists website for addys on all the clubs in the area. So please enjoy our[/q1]
[q1]> fine state, and try some of the local coastal cusine, ya hear.[/q1]
I found 2 good rides posted (in previous years) by Doug Huffman. Both are in Mt. Pleasant, just
north of Charleston. Scenic, somewhat rural, they sound really good. I'll try at least one of them
and also Jekyll or St. Simons Island, GA.

I'm looking forward to this trip. Too bad no coastal recumbent a.r.b.r's are available for short
rides; I would've loved to meet some of you.

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