James Daley in the Belfast Telegraph (Contains Helmets)






It seems he's had lot's of correspondence concerning his previous
article wanting to make helmets mandatory for children (no sh*t,
sherlock), but whilst he still thinks they should be compulsory, he has
at least ended this current piece with a link to www.cyclehelmets.org,
albiet also linking to the BMA's stance on helmet compulsion.

Still, at least it's a start towards encouraging people to look at the
research and form their own opinions, which makes a nice change in the
public media.


Coincidence is the alibi of the Gods

(remove FOOT to reply)
Response to Colin:
> http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/lifestyle/motoring/story.jsp?story=
> 716548
> or
> http://preview.tinyurl.com/ybue2e


"Although the majority of letters I received this week pointed to
studies proving the inefficiency of helmets, none of these had the
resonance of the two I received from a doctor and a surgeon..."

In other words, what weight can a mass of statistical evidence have
against a couple of emotive examples?

"But whichever paper you favour, it's hard to find anyone who won't
concede helmets can make a difference occasionally."

Well, *there's* a cast-iron case for making something compulsory!

I couldn't find an email address for him; anybody got one?

Mark, UK
"Those who are at war with others are not at peace with themselves."
Mark McNeill wrote:
> Response to Colin:
>> http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/lifestyle/motoring/story.jsp?story=
>> 716548
>> or
>> http://preview.tinyurl.com/ybue2e

> Grrrrr...
> "Although the majority of letters I received this week pointed to
> studies proving the inefficiency of helmets, none of these had the
> resonance of the two I received from a doctor and a surgeon..."
> In other words, what weight can a mass of statistical evidence have
> against a couple of emotive examples?
> "But whichever paper you favour, it's hard to find anyone who won't
> concede helmets can make a difference occasionally."
> Well, *there's* a cast-iron case for making something compulsory!
> I couldn't find an email address for him; anybody got one?

Don't forget to ask him whether he supports mandatory helmets for child
pedestrians - they also "can make a difference occasionally".
Mark McNeill wrote on 28/11/2006 20:11 +0100:
> I couldn't find an email address for him; anybody got one?

Letters to the Editor should be sent to:
124-144 Royal Avenue, Belfast BT1 1EB
E-mail: [email protected]


"...has many omissions and contains much that is apocryphal, or at least
wildly inaccurate..."
Douglas Adams; The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Mark McNeill wrote:
> Response to Colin:
> > http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/lifestyle/motoring/story.jsp?story=
> > 716548
> >
> > or
> >
> > http://preview.tinyurl.com/ybue2e

> Grrrrr...
> "Although the majority of letters I received this week pointed to
> studies proving the inefficiency of helmets, none of these had the
> resonance of the two I received from a doctor and a surgeon..."
> In other words, what weight can a mass of statistical evidence have
> against a couple of emotive examples?

Yup - go for the lucky rabbits foot every time. Emotional arguments
will always win ;-(
