It's gotta go before Christmas!


New Member
Feb 28, 2004
I'm just about on target to loose the amount of weight I wanted to this year. But with three weeks 'til Chrissy eve (my deadline) I still have 10kg to loose reach my goal.

How can I shed this in a healthy way? I'm pretty focused and don't mind serious workouts or long Ks on the bike.

Dominic Sansom said:
I'm just about on target to loose the amount of weight I wanted to this year. But with three weeks 'til Chrissy eve (my deadline) I still have 10kg to loose reach my goal.

How can I shed this in a healthy way? I'm pretty focused and don't mind serious workouts or long Ks on the bike.


10kg in three weeks can't be done sustainably or safely unless you are absolutely huge, think of 200+kg. Otherwise, your goal is unattainable. Mind you, you've still probably achieved a lot already and should continue aiming for a target weight (as long as it's sensible).

I've found good results targeting 0.5kg per week reduction (ie, sustainable rather than temporary).

Good luck and don't bust yourself up trying to lose too much too quickly.

ritcho said:
10kg in three weeks can't be done sustainably or safely unless you are absolutely huge, think of 200+kg. Otherwise, your goal is unattainable. Mind you, you've still probably achieved a lot already and should continue aiming for a target weight (as long as it's sensible).

I've found good results targeting 0.5kg per week reduction (ie, sustainable rather than temporary).

Good luck and don't bust yourself up trying to lose too much too quickly.


No quite 200kg... but I'm not small, about 120. I know there's no magic solution... hard work and sensible eating (no fad diets here) seem to do the trick. I've been loosing 1.5kg a week (average) for the last couple of months and am looking for a way of stepping this up slightly to try and reach my target on deadline. I won't bust a gut (pun intended) to get there. I know that can do more harm than good and I don't want to undo all the hard work. If it takes a little longer... so be it.

Thanks for your input Ritch.