Isn't the whole "Labor Power I'm a 42 year old teenager " getting old???


Ronde Champ


These 42 year old dreamers who write race reports for Labor
Power are quite sad indeed. Do their families know what
buffoon's their daddy's are? Are they reaching their
intended 12 year old skateboarder audience in the most
efficient way. Finally, do the employers of these
accountants and salesmen know what the company computers
are really being used for?

Dudes. Time to face the reality of aging.

Thanks, Ronde Champ (formerly ronde chumpion) the real King
of the SoCal cycling scene.
something you are NOT......


On 5/11/04 9:05 PM, in article
[email protected], "Ronde
Champ" <[email protected]> wrote:

> Hey,
> These 42 year old dreamers who write race reports for
> Labor Power are quite sad indeed. Do their families know
> what buffoon's their daddy's are? Are they reaching their
> intended 12 year old skateboarder audience in the most
> efficient way. Finally, do the employers of these
> accountants and salesmen know what the company computers
> are really being used for?
> Dudes. Time to face the reality of aging.
> Thanks, Ronde Champ (formerly ronde chumpion) the real
> King of the SoCal cycling scene.
"Ronde Champ" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Hey,
> These 42 year old dreamers who write race reports for
> Labor Power are quite sad indeed. Do their families know
> what buffoon's their daddy's are? Are they reaching their
> intended 12 year old skateboarder audience in the most
> efficient way. Finally, do the employers of these
> accountants and salesmen know what the company computers
> are really being used for?
> Dudes. Time to face the reality of aging.

I am sure Max Kash Agro aka Roger Worthingtons' family
is ok with him being a successful attorney. and your
excuse is? Dave
[email protected] (Ronde Champ) wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> Dudes. Time to face the reality of aging.


What the hell are you talking about? Who, or what, is
Labor Power?

Actually, I did a Google search and figured out that you are
talking about a club in California. Parochial posts require
a little background for the rest of the world outside of
California bike racing.

**** Durbin
[email protected] (Ronde Champ) wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> Dudes. Time to face the reality of aging.

You must have been skewered in a recent MKA race report.
Everybody knows MKA has class, and proves it every time he
gets on his bike.

You ever watch a master's race? Talk about boring. I'd
rather watch road rash heal. At least MKA adds a bit of
humor and flavor to a stoopid ultra fringe sport.

For the uninitiated:
> > Dudes. Time to face the reality of aging.

Yeah duuuudes (and they're the 42 y/o teenagers?). These
guys are my heroes. They make fun of everyone and everything
in the sport. They are all about keeping it fun and still
manage to win probably 80% or more of their races.

Nice try,

Greg Hall wrote:
> [email protected] (Ronde Champ) wrote in message
> news:<[email protected]>...
>> Dudes. Time to face the reality of aging.
> Sound like something the master baiter Chang would say.
> Greg "Hackpacker" Hall

Last race I did with them I saw a Labor Power rider pee
against the curb of a parking lot. Out in the boonies is
one thing, but when there's portas 100 meters away, very
poor form. Especially since my bike was parked downstream
against said curb.... That the guy was parked in a compact
space, and it's neighbor, with his colossal SUV sort of
sealed the deal.

Dan Connelly <d_j_c_o_n_n_e_l@i_e_e_e.o_r_g> wrote:

> Last race I did with them I saw a Labor Power rider pee
> against the curb of a parking lot. Out in the boonies is
> one thing, but when there's portas 100 meters away, very
> poor form. Especially since my bike was parked downstream
> against said curb.... That the guy was parked in a compact
> space, and it's neighbor, with his colossal SUV sort of
> sealed the deal.

Yeah, wait till you get to be older than dirt, bladder
capacity is the first thing to go. Well, maybe the
second thing.

So I hear, anyway.

BTW, more than most can tolerate on the subject at
Dan Connelly wrote:

> Last race I did with them I saw a Labor Power rider pee
> against the curb of a parking lot. Out in the boonies is
> one thing, but when there's portas 100 meters away, very
> poor form. Especially since my bike was parked downstream
> against said curb....

hey, you were in seattle at least once. did you get the
pleasure of riding thru a puddle of horse urine in downtown?

"why is there a puddle? it's not raining... what's that
stinky smell?? " :(

dude.. these guys kick ass! classiest guys i know... long
live the hippstar, mka, hoverhawk, and g-spot! can't wait
until i turn 30 to join forces...

labor through and through surf nick aka. future labor
buffoon's:   buffoonery, buffoonish, Buffoonism, Buffoonly
  Definition:  [n]  a person who amuses others by
ridiculous behavior.

Characteristic of, or like, a buffoon. ``Buffoon stories.''

Looks like i have finally found my people!! LONG LIVE THE
BUFFOONS!!!! Dreamers Unite! Down with baffoon prejudice!

Orange believes, -Toons, on the company dime
[email protected] (Ronde Champ) wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> Hey,
> These 42 year old dreamers who write race reports for
> Labor Power are quite sad indeed. Do their families know
> what buffoon's their daddy's are? Are they reaching their
> intended 12 year old skateboarder audience in the most
> efficient way. Finally, do the employers of these
> accountants and salesmen know what the company computers
> are really being used for?
> Dudes. Time to face the reality of aging.
> Thanks, Ronde Champ (formerly ronde chumpion) the real
> King of the SoCal cycling scene.

Zoiks! To make the effort to post a link and all.... This
goes far beyond the normal mutterings of Labor "cheating"
that normally goes on in the parking lot after a Labor
inflicted butt whooping. Perfect example of how jealousy
combined with taking yourself too seriously empties the
soul of a man.

Keep pounding away. Guys like this don't deserve to see the
front side of a race anyway.

Droooooober The real King of Midwest gas station donuts

A webaiter - digital lashing as sport. A new sub-species has
evolved that can be recognized by atrophied extremities and
overall shape approximating that of a bean bag chair.

When fully mature **** digitalis has grown so large, they've
migrated from Depends to cutting holes in hefty trash bags
and tossing in 30 rolls of TP. New age diaper is strapped on
for all nighters of furious cut and paste action. Generally
hidden, but can be spotted at 7-11's waddling the isles at
odd hours, buying baby wipes, talcum powder, and liter
bottles of coke.

Sad uncreative life of the perpetual critic.


my dear SurfNickerBocker, good lord i'm behind on my e's.

Great Find on this google thread.

note scott smak Kinley and other hackpackers joined
in...turboStork - hows it hangin in Utah (mj and jb say
"heymanwhutsgoinon")? Slim, you still licking boots in the
great state of Texas?

mka - we gotta goof on this thread 'fore it gets too
stale...billy - lubricate the pranks.

G-Mo - engage the garlic fart bombs.

Hippstar - your speech regarding pretenders....oh...forget-

Jimbo, shine the PhD, review Blade Runner, prep gear for
some fieldwork....


I remember we put a pill in this nimrod "Chump" years
ago....Smak you nailed it. He's a beat up biotch rode hard
put away wet... Misguided nimnidiocy is the funniest damn
thing....I love it.

[email protected] ([email protected]) wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> [email protected] (Ronde Champ) wrote in message
> news:<[email protected]>...
> > Hey,
> >
> > These 42 year old dreamers who write race reports for
> > Labor Power are quite sad indeed. Do their families
> > know what buffoon's their daddy's are? Are they
> > reaching their intended 12 year old skateboarder
> > audience in the most efficient way. Finally, do the
> > employers of these accountants and salesmen know what
> > the company computers are really being used for?
> >
> > Dudes. Time to face the reality of aging.
> >
> > Thanks, Ronde Champ (formerly ronde chumpion) the real
> > King of the SoCal cycling scene.
> Zoiks! To make the effort to post a link and all.... This
> goes far beyond the normal mutterings of Labor "cheating"
> that normally goes on in the parking lot after a Labor
> inflicted butt whooping. Perfect example of how jealousy
> combined with taking yourself too seriously empties the
> soul of a man.
> Keep pounding away. Guys like this don't deserve to see
> the front side of a race anyway.


First of all, welcome to the circus. Your ramblings here
would be a nice addition in this lurker's humble opinion.
Problem is, most rbr residents don't understand OrangeCounty-
speak, or at least don't appreciate it. Common rbr topics
are Euro happenings, food, US D-3 gossip, fattie masters,
food, and politics. There are even a few Dotsie Cowden
stalkers about. Perhaps they don't know she goes out with
Labor. Anyway, I can tell you that your nice little team
has come up a couple times here (google it) and not always
in the most flattering of contexts. I'm sure your feelings
are crushed.

BTW, great ride by the Rican at that Eastern Sierra freak
race, aka Sand Dunes to Sierras.