"Carol Cohen" <
[email protected]> wrote in message
[email protected]...
> [email protected] (Laurel Thomason) wrote in message
> news:<[email protected]>...
>> This group seems to have gone seriously downhill in the two years I
>> have been away. Is there another space that is marginally on topic or
>> moderated that people use to discuss recumbents?
> Gosh, it's gotten quiet here, except I hear one droning voice. Not
> you! Yes, Laurel, the party has moved. Go to:
> http:bentrideronline.com then click on "message board". The group
> hasn't gone downhill; it's simply moved laterally to a moderated (and
> better) world.
After having had extensive experience with an assortment of jackasses and
morons on this group, I can say that I now favor a moderated group myself
even if it is only a kind of bulletin board. The ultimate degeneracy is to
be found on a group like Monkey Island. That group is a board and is
moderated I presume, so those two characteristics will not necessarily save
us from ourselves. I think the key is a good moderator. Mr. Ball, the
moderator of BROL, may be that, although I don't like him because he is a
liberal and takes no pains to hide his political prejudices, at least he
never did when he was posting to ARBR.
ARBR will continue to soldier on, somewhat the wiser due to all the
political posting and off-topic subject threads. I hope we can maintain a
high intellectual level in any event even if we do like to wander off-topic
a bit.
Ed Dolan - Minnesota