"DZ" <
[email protected]> schreef:
> It comes out to 6 to 7 calories per pound for untrained individuals -
> http://ajpendo.physiology.org/cgi/content/full/278/2/E308 (after
> converting kJ/kg to calories/lb). For hypertrophied monsters such as
> myself (or Steve F. and Pete from Nonlands), the expenditure per lb
> should be less than that, because additional muscle result in a lower
> resting metabolic rate per unit of mass.
> Therefore, the first pound of muscle added by training would burn more
> calories than the second etc.
This is very interesting.
There was a discussion here several years ago, where i pointed out that an
increase in muscle mass would speed up the metabolism a bit, but not as
spectacular as some would like to believe. I noticed myself that despite
putting on a lot of mass, i still had to be carefull not going overboard on
This whole discussion started when Krissie (Scott-Dixon), adviced women to
train heavy with low reps to lose weight, as the increased metabolism, due
to the increase in muscle mass, would burn calories.
I told her she was wrong because;
1) heavy weights with low reps is anaerobic, and therefore, would not burn
much calories.
2) women do not have much testosterone, so the increase in muscle mass is
3) even in men with increased muscle mass, the metabolism is not working
Anyway, despite the fact that i myself encourage women to train
heavy/intense/anaerobic, it is a crappy way to lose weight, and is best
combined with cardio 2-3 times a week.
Thanks for sharing.