Inaugural ride on the 29er



This being the first evening without rain or aching knees since my 29er
became one, it got its first proper run tonight.

The route involved a little bit of everything; a fairly zippy flat
off-road section to start with, lots of country lanes and a short
section of very tricky mud-fest where the muni would have been much more

I was absolutely delighted with it - it's incredible how far you can go
with a unicycle with a large wheel. I don't have a computer on it and I
didn't take the GPS, but according to the map I did 11 1/2 miles. I've
only done over that on a couple of occasions on the other wheels, and
they were all-afternoon rides; for an "easy-going" evening ride that was

The tyre was grippy, so wasn't phased by mud; the wheel is large enough
to ignore roots going downhill, although they were the root cause
(badum*tsch*) of a few UPDs going uphills. Having said that it climbs
easily on the smooth; it maintains momentum vastly better than the
smaller wheels, so you don't end up jerking up the hill needing loads of
effort for each pedal stroke. Along the country lanes I was very nearly
keeping up with a couple of bikers who rode past.

The only downside was not tightening the bearing holders enough, causing
the frame to wiggle slightly going down hills. Some muppet took an 8mm
spanner instead of a 10mm one. It made for some creaky descents, but
fears of having to walk back from the farthest point remained

Next ride, I shall attempt to work on my mounts. It's alright with lots
of space, where you can jump on from walking; on narrow rutted tracks I
found it rather tricky sometimes.

This, however, is the point where it gets difficult. So many unicycles
to ride, so little time!


phil - ex-studenty type

"Cattle Prods solve most of life's little problems."
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Pleased to hear you're finaly up and running, and got on well with your
29er. Make sure you have your tyre pressure quite high when off-road,
otherwise you'll end up with the inevitable snake-bite. All you need to
do now is find plenty of hills. Have fun and I'll see you at 'Red


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