Important Notification -- Silent Mailing Lists harm UNicon atendance


Jack Halpern

Hi all,

Both the Japanese and internatinal Unicon mailing lists, and even
iuf-discuss haved been dead for over a month (some mailing lists
over six weeks).

This has left me in an information vaccum that undermines my efforts to
recruit teams from undeveloped unicycling countries, my only
non-ceremonial task as ocnvention chairman. I have no idea what the
current state of Unicon preparations is, and no one on the Unicon lists
is providing information.

Through an accidental email that was not suposed to reach me, and later
through more direct confirmation, I finaly uncovered what I siuspected
all along: a deliberate plan not to use the Unicon mailing lists so as
to keep me out of picture. I even found out who the two leraders of
thuis plan are, one in Japan and in the U.S.

I have spent hundreds of hours and some $4500 so far (five long phone
calls to Brazil and China) last week in recruiting teams from Brazil?
China, Israel nd Korea. Spending money to promote Unicon (some $40,000
over the years) is nothing new for IUF officers -- John
Foss, Alberto Ruiz, and Ken Fuchs have done it for years -- but wasting
time and money without getting cooperation is another matter.

For all I know, all the unicycle mailing lists are dead. If I do not
get a response to this message, I will assume this is so, and I will be
forced to send my messages to rsu -- inapprorpiate for Unicon management
messages but the only unicycling mailing list that I know is still

There is no question that Unicon attendence is being harmed by these
clandestine comuunications. There is no question either that it should
have dampened my enthusiams long ago, though I am continuing my efforts.

I look forward to an immediate explanation and to revival of the lists.
Jack Halpern wrote:
> *I finaly uncovered what I siuspected all along: a deliberate plan not
> to use the Unicon mailing lists so as to keep me out of picture. I
> even found out who the two leraders of this plan are, one in Japan and
> in the U.S.*

a vast one wheeled conspiracy.

forget_your_life - #3649 plus_your_life

dream one dream many....
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Jack Halpern wrote:
> *I finaly uncovered what I siuspected all along: a deliberate plan not
> to use the Unicon mailing lists so as to keep me out of picture. I
> even found out who the two leraders of this plan are, one in Japan and
> in the U.S.*

a vast one wheeled conspiracy.

forget_your_life - #3649 plus_your_life

dream one dream many....
*'R.I.P' (*
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On Mon, 19 Apr 2004 09:18:31 +0900, Jack Halpern wrote:

>a deliberate plan not to use the Unicon mailing lists so as
>to keep me out of picture.

I am totally clueless as to why they would want to work against you,
and harming attendance to Unicon at the same time. Not nice anyway. I
wish you luck in satisfactorily resolving the issue - in whatever way.

Klaas Bil - Newsgroup Addict
Clearly a system of 1/14 and 1/16 is not decimal - Mikefule on the English weight system
I have no idea what you're talking about at all. I don't even know what
a "mailing list" in this context is. It sounds like some unsavory
things have happened, and I hope that things will continue to move
forward for the benefit of all. I do plan to attend with my wife and
five riding kids! Keep the faith!

elmer - uniimpaired

"At 40 life show."
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Jack Halpern wrote:
> *Hi all,
> Through an accidental email that was not suposed to reach me, and
> later
> through more direct confirmation, I finaly uncovered what I
> siuspected
> all along: a deliberate plan not to use the Unicon mailing lists so
> as
> to keep me out of picture.
> For all I know, all the unicycle mailing lists are dead. If I do not
> get a response to this message, I will assume this is so, and I will
> be
> forced to send my messages to rsu -- inapprorpiate for Unicon
> management
> messages but the only unicycling mailing list that I know is still
> functioning.
> I look forward to an immediate explanation and to revival of the
> lists.
> *

This sounds like top secret spy stuff... please don't die... :(

Mellick - That's my lion! Rawr! I'm scary!

Logan says that staring at trees is better, I can safely say that that
is a completely incorrect response. If John Childs says it, it will
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I don't understand why these organizers would (allegedly) try to prevent
someone in your position from doing your job?

Why would the organizers of a unicycling event try to keep unicyclists
from going !?!

Can someone please fill me on this?

Sofa - You Tu Tu Tuni?

'Unicycle Product Reviews' ( *107* reviews on
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Sofa wrote:
> *I don't understand why these organizers would (allegedly) try to
> prevent someone in your position from doing your job?
> Why would the organizers of a unicycling event try to keep unicyclists
> from going !?!
> Can someone please fill me on this? *

It sounds like the classic battle for top dog in an organization. For
some reason there are those that think Jack yields too much
power/control over this Unicon. So they delegated him a role that is
less visable. Then they made an attempt at excluding him from others
aspects of the organizing to prevent his input.

I don't think it is the intention of those individuals to prevent others
from going to Unicon. It just appears to be an unfortunate side effect.

It is sad to see that there is this much politics going on in event
designed to promote unicycling, but of course unicyclists are human too
and subject to all the same traps every other group falls into.

I have over the past few months formulated several theories as to why
this is happening, but they are probably all wrong. My mind is very
creative, and in the absence off the truth of the parties involved can
create some great alternative truths.

bugman - Survivor 2004 Wolfman Duathalon
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"Jack Halpern" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Hi all,
> Both the Japanese and international Unicon mailing lists, and even
> IUF-discuss have been dead for over a month (some mailing lists
> over six weeks).
> This has left me in an information vacuum that undermines my efforts to
> recruit teams from undeveloped unicycling countries, my only
> non-ceremonial task as convention chairman. I have no idea what the
> current state of Unicon preparations is, and no one on the Unicon lists
> is providing information.
> Through an accidental email that was not supposed to reach me, and later
> through more direct confirmation, I finally uncovered what I suspected
> all along: a deliberate plan not to use the Unicon mailing lists so as
> to keep me out of picture. I even found out who the two leaders of
> this plan are, one in Japan and in the U.S.
> I have spent hundreds of hours and some $4500 so far (five long phone
> calls to Brazil and China) last week in recruiting teams from Brazil?
> China, Israel and Korea. Spending money to promote Unicon (some $40,000
> over the years) is nothing new for IUF officers -- John
> Foss, Alberto Ruiz, and Ken Fuchs have done it for years -- but wasting
> time and money without getting cooperation is another matter.
> For all I know, all the unicycle mailing lists are dead. If I do not
> get a response to this message, I will assume this is so, and I will be
> forced to send my messages to rsu -- inappropriate for Unicon management
> messages but the only unicycling mailing list that I know is still
> functioning.
> There is no question that Unicon attendance is being harmed by these
> clandestine communications. There is no question either that it should
> have dampened my enthusiasm long ago, though I am continuing my efforts.
> I look forward to an immediate explanation and to revival of the lists.

Jack, I owe you gratitude and respect for your wonderful book, but your
hypocrisy is grating. There is nothing wrong with using rsu, assuming accurate
subject lines. Does secrecy suck or not? Only when *you're* outside the
For all that are interested, to the best of my knowledge the mailing
lists are still functioning. Indeed there has not been much traffic on
them since the re-org at the UNICON office. Since that time, things seem
to have been flowing along smooooothly.

Those of you on the outside of that internal struggle don't need to know
all the ugly details. Suffice it to say that things seem to be working
much better now than they were before, and everybody seems to be working
on what they are best at.

The mailing lists are one for IUF discussions, IUF officers, and
apparently some others. Places where, when they're being used, we
discuss those specific things without boring all you RSU people and
having to explain everything. If anyone is interested in getting more
involved with the workings of the IUF (or the USA for that matter) you
are welcome to join those lists.

I don't know the story about the mailing lists to which Jack refers. If
he needs a copy of an address list for sending out packets, he should
have that. If he believes we are not using the IUF's email lists, it has
nothing to do with him. Right now UNICON seems to be in a registration
stage, and the IUF itself (as usual) isn't doing much.

The two people to whom Jack refers are very busy working on UNICON
registrations and other details, and are not actively trying to conspire
against anybody.

UNICON XII is not coming to any harm by people working hard on taking
care of registrations, questions, and other details. As far as I know
everything is currently under control. Hopefully all of you are getting
registered as early as possible. It is very important to the planning of
one of these conventions for you to register at your earliest
opportunity, so schedules can be planned based on attendance in the
various events.

Remember, you can register now, even if you can't pay until later. The
registration and payment processes are separate. This does not mean wait
forever for payment though, they need that too! These conventions are
expensive! Remember, all this work is being done by unpaid volunteers,
and even though this is likely to be the biggest UNICON ever, they still
run on a shoestring budget. Please help out.

Jack Halpern has the difficult job of recruiting riders and teams from
"new" countries. This always involves a lot of communications and
information gathering, as well as trying to collect contact information
for unicyclists who may not know about UNICON. If you are aware of any
unicyclists who may not know of this event, and who may be interested in
coming, please let Jack know about them. Over the years, he has probably
brought more countries in than any other individual.

For those of you who do not know who Jack Halpern is, he is the founder
of the IUF. It was his idea.

johnfoss - Walkin' on the edge

John Foss, the Uni-Cyclone
"jfoss" at ""

"Hey, could I have some of that spinach? I need to get this pork rind
taste out of my mouth." -- Ryan Atkins to Kris Holm, on the way back
from Moab after sampling some of my pork rinds. They grossed out the
whole van!
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For all that are interested, to the best of my knowledge the mailing
lists are still functioning. Indeed there has not been much traffic on
them since the re-org at the UNICON office. Since that time, things seem
to have been flowing along *smooooothly*. That would seem to be the most
important thing.

Those of you on the outside of UNICON's internal struggle don't need to
know the details. Suffice it to say that things seem to be working much
better now than they were before, and everybody seems to be working on
what they are best at.

The mailing lists are one for IUF discussions, IUF officers, and
apparently some others. Places where, when they're active, we discuss
those specific things without boring all you RSU people and having to
explain everything. If anyone is interested in getting more involved
with the workings of the IUF (or the USA for that matter) you are
welcome to join those lists.

I'm not sure about which mailing lists Jack refers. If he needs a copy
of a mailing address list for sending out packets, he should have that.
If he believes we are not using the IUF's email lists for any other
reason than lack of traffic, this IUF director says we are not. Just
nobody is talking. There has been no direction to not use the lists.
Right now UNICON seems to be in a registration stage, and the IUF itself
(as usual) isn't doing much.

The two people to whom Jack refers are very busy working on UNICON
registrations and other details, and are not actively trying to conspire
against anybody.

UNICON XII is not coming to any harm by people working hard on taking
care of registrations, questions, and other details. As far as I know
everything is well under control. Hopefully all of you are getting
registered as early as possible. It is very important to the planning of
one of these conventions for you to register at your earliest
opportunity, so schedules can be planned based on attendance in the
various events.

Remember, you can register right now, even if you can't pay right now.
The registration and payment processes are separate. This does not mean
wait forever for payment though, they need that too! These conventions
are expensive. Remember, all this work is being done by unpaid
volunteers, and even though this is likely to be the biggest UNICON
ever, they still run on a shoestring budget. Please help out.

Jack Halpern has the difficult job of recruiting riders and teams from
"new" countries. This always involves a lot of communications and
information gathering, as well as trying to collect contact information
for unicyclists who may not know about UNICON. If you are aware of any
unicyclists who may not know of this event, and who may be interested in
coming, please let Jack know about them. Over the years, he has probably
brought more countries in than any other individual.

For those of you who do not know who Jack Halpern is, he is the founder
of the IUF. It was his idea. We at the IUF all respect him for what he
has done, and continues to do, for international unicycling, and we
aren't going to stop soon.

johnfoss - Walkin' on the edge

John Foss, the Uni-Cyclone
"jfoss" at ""

"Hey, could I have some of that spinach? I need to get this pork rind
taste out of my mouth." -- Ryan Atkins to Kris Holm, on the way back
from Moab after sampling some of my pork rinds. They grossed out the
whole van!
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