I still can't decide



KH20 trials or Onza trials.

What I've heard (all info is second-hand):

- Strong hub + cranks
- Solid all around
- Ankle ripping

- Lighter
- Less expensive
- Strong hub + cranks
- Haven't heard any

But yet I keep hearing the KH is better. PLease help. All input is


darchibald's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/6240
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I have an onza and it has served me well, personly i think it look's
better than the kh, there basicly the same, then it go's down to looks,-
choose whichever you think looks the coolest
cause in the end they basicly do the same thing, your not going to get
more out of one than the other, whatever you decide on.
so choose on looks.
thats my advise hope it helps.


RyDz - Trials Unicyclist
RyDz's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/5608
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You're right about the looks! The Onza is prettier and lighter. There
is at least one Onza owner on this forum who had problems with a loose
keyway (spindle-to-hub interface). That is the only problem I've heard
of and I can't say whether it was a fluke or not. Go with your heart, I

elmer - uniimpaired

"At 40 life begins...to show."
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I had loose keyway problems with the Onza and so have a few others. I
heard that someone (I think muniracer) had bashed their crank so where
it fitted onto the axle was ovalised and wouldn't turn to let them take
the crank off. Since I sorted that out I have had no problems. Tho I
have a KH crankset on my muni and I haven't had any trouble full stop.
Plus other brank bike cranks fit them I think.

I still think I'd go for the Onza trials tho. Not sure why, probably
just cuz it's so sexy!

one wheeled stallion - Guerilla Unicyclist

"i say mjoenie
coker is kouker" -Gild.
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one wheeled stallion wrote:
> *I had loose keyway problems with the Onza and so have a few others.
> *

I have a loose keyway on my KH20. I dont think that should be a reason
to NOT get the onza since both unis are susceptible.

I think one con of the onzas could be the frame. The crown is not angled
and grippy like the KH. This isnt a big issue though.

I think i would still go with the onza. :)

mango - unity - as 1 stand together

"I know I'd be willing to spend up to $20 for a set of strong nipples."

(sorry buddy, couldnt resist =)

mango's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/3892
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the gallery is down as of now, but when its back up check out the hell
on wheel gallery (link in my sig). click on photos then trip's onza.
you will see how the key way has been completely destroyed from crank nd
pedal grabbing. thi has happened ot a couple onza users and im pretty
sure no kh users. i have had the uni for 4 months and it looks like ill
have to replace the entire wheelset sometime soon.

muniracer - Hell On Wheel

The Hell on Wheel Unicycle Gang owns you!!

muniracer's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/4339
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This is all great stuff. I have seen Trip's Onza and that is pretty
messed up. But I think because of price, weight, and a gut feeling I'm
going to go with the Onza. Now its just the choice of where to buy.
Unicycle.com Usa is like $180 (my canadian money) more than the one on
unicycle.com Uk. Any reason? I'm not afraid of paying shipping, so I
think The obvious choice is Uk. What are your thoughts?

Thank you

darchibald's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/6240
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mango wrote:
> *I have a loose keyway on my KH20. I dont think that should be a
> reason to NOT get the onza since both unis are susceptible.
> *

You've got a loose keyway with a KH20? Are you sure it's the keyway in
the hub and not the cranks slipping on the splines?

The KH hub has what I consider to be the best keyway design. It's a
better keyway design than the Onza and Profile. I think Steve Howard
has a picture of the KH keyway design in one of his galleries, but the
gallery is down right now so I can't verify. Steve's gallery is 'here'
(http://www.unicyclist.com/gallery/showard). I'd be a bit surprised if
the KH hub developed keyway slop, unless that particular hub was
machined out of tolerance. Conversely, I almost expect a Profile hub to
develop keyway slop eventually. I don't know about the new and improved
Onza double keyway design.

When comparing the Onza be sure to differentiate between the first
generation and second generation Onza hubs. They made some improvements
to the second generation hubs.

The DM splined hub I have on my DM Vortex is not going to ever have any
keyway slop because there is no keyway. The hub flanges are welded
right to the spindle. Worst case scenario is that a weld cracks, but
that is very unlikely.

john_childs - Guinness Mojo

john_childs (at) hotmail (dot) com
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Thanks I always noticed the difference but was never sure if there was
still achance of being sold the first genereation. I'll be sure to make
that clear.


Ps. what's the proper way to take a quote?

darchibald - Unofficial level 3.7
darchibald's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/6240
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