Whats the point of having a 3-minute power output of 360 watts if youre only going to average 220 watts for the entire ride? Is it really worth bragging about your short-lived burst of speed when your overall performance is mediocre? I mean, shouldnt we be focusing on sustained power output rather than fleeting moments of glory? And dont even get me started on the FTP setting - whats the point of having a high FTP if you cant maintain it for more than 20 minutes? Are we just trying to impress our friends with our short-term heroics or are we actually trying to improve our overall fitness? Can someone explain to me why Zwifts advanced metrics seem to prioritize short-term gains over long-term progress? Is it just me or is this a case of all show and no go? How do you guys use these metrics to actually improve your performance rather than just padding your egos?